
Jun 22, 2009 17:06

If I had balls I would not be sweating them off right now....because I would already sweat them off yesterday.

We turned the AC on last friday, and it did not work.  Good good.  Just intime for the heat wave advisory.  The AC repairman who is sorta dumb, called Josh the time we was suppose to be here fixing the 4:45 to tell Josh that he has to work overtime and will NOT be able to fix the AC in our apartment.  I left school early and everything to be here to let him in.  I coordinated it wiht the neighbor girl to make sure she was here too.

Uh uh.  This is not right.

The heat is ruining Josh and I's marraige too.  It is too hot to touch, in any way.  That means no hugs.  And I sorta go crazy in the head with out hugs.  And Josh goes crazy in this heat.


Not my air conditioner, my HAIR conditioner.  Such a good pun if it wasn't true, and if I could figure out how to work it into a sentence.

Now what I really wanted to say.  I wanted to live a day where I did not fail, like the one I described yesterday.  I'd say I got pretty close.  I woke up, did some excersizes/stretches (no running b/c Josh worked 14 hrs the day before and wanted to sleep, not run).  Then I did my hair and it looks bad.  Then I tried to put on my face lotion, but I am out and can't afford any more.  I could cut the bottle in half b/c there is quite a bit at the bottom that the pump doesn't reach too, but it is too hot.  Then I was sad and went to see if I could wake Josh up.  I did, but then I fell back asleep.  Fail.  Then I made my lunch, a salad and a slice of bread.  We had cereal for breakfast, but I only have Kellog's All-Bran so that was a FAIL too.  Win on the fiber though....I saw that again later today. :D   I didn't put on makeup, again because my face was melting off without the makeup, and there is nothing worse than melty makeup.

I did walk home which was some excersize.  I did fall asleep at my desk.

I did realize that I numbered 2 different figures on my thesis that do not exist.  But I did not realize each one at the same time.  I'm thinking of just adding in an actual figure instead of having to renumber the whole thing...again.

And if anyone dares mention "But Lindy...I thought you liked the heat?" I will punch them in the throat. 
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