May 08, 2008 08:48
About a week ago, Tony and I noticed a calico cat living under the house. We saw her crawl in and out of the crawlspace a few times, and sometimes we'd open the front door and see her dart around the corner of the house. I started feeding her a little bit everyday in hopes of getting her tame enough that we could catch her and take her to the Humane Society (as much as I'd want to keep her, three cats would just be a bit too much). After a few days, the thought crossed my mind that maybe there were also kittens under the house.
Sure enough, Tony and I get home Monday night and find two little kittens, one orange striped and one gray, in the foliage next to the front porch. They were very skittish and defensive, especially the gray one. They're very young, about five weeks by my guess. I caught the orange one and he let me hold him for a little bit, but he was very squirmy. They both kept trying to get back up into the crawlspace, but were too small to jump up there, so Tony and I propped it open with a stick and put a down cinder block so they could get up. I got some tuna and fed it to them off of a fork, which seemed to butter them up a little.
And when I got home from work yesterday, there was a THIRD kitten. This one is black and brown striped (I think it's so funny that none of them look alike, even though they're presumably from the same litter). So I went to the store and bought some canned cat food and left it outside the crawlspace for them. I kept trying to get close to them, but they'd jump back into the crawlspace the second I walked out the door. I finally caught the orange one again and brought him into the house with intentions on leaving him in the guestroom until I could catch the others and take them all to the humane society. But I changed my mind and put him back outside, realizing that I wouldn't be able to go the humane society to drop them off until Saturday, and not wanting to have three little wild kittens in the guestroom peeing and pooping all over the place. So for now they'll stay under the house, and hopefully I can catch them all Friday night or Saturday morning.
I really hate to take them to the humane society, but I just can't afford to take care of them and keep them for myself. Plus, could you imagine living in a house with FIVE cats (plus a dog)? The house would be absolutely filthy. And kittens are so much work, and Lord knows Queso and Pirate wouldn't be too happy about them. So the humane society seems like the best thing to do even though I hate to do it.