Apr 07, 2007 18:39
Senioritis has set in. I have a test on Tuesday. I have had all day today to study for it. Have I studied at all? No.
I have a five page paper due in about a week and a half. Have I started writing it? No. (But in my defense, I have been reading through my sources).
I am just ready to be done with school. Granted I don't really have a "real" job once I am done, but I'm just so sick of all the reading I have to do for my classes that I could scream. I would kill to have enough free time to actually read a book for pleasure. The day I'm done with school, I'm going to Barnes & Noble and spending $100 on books that I can read just because I want to read them. It's going to be the greatest feeling in the world.
In other news, it is snowing in Texas today. WTF? I will never understand Texas weather. It's supposed to be spring...not 40 degrees and snowing.