Larry's Long Ass Survey!!!

May 13, 2004 00:30

I Want:
~To find a job.
~To find someone who wants to be in a relationship with me, who is really good to me.
I Have:
A couple guys that I like, but relationships won't work out with them right now... :-(
I Wish:
everyone could find the person they were meant to be with.
I Hate:
annoying people who either don't know when to shut up....or don't know when to leave me alone.
I Miss:
My best friend Brandy who lives in Iowa. My family because I don't get to see thm too often. My friends from central who have gone home.
I Fear:
rejection and being unsuccessful.
I Hear:
the TV, the humming of the fan and the computer.
I Search For:
a job, friends who love me for who I am.
I Wonder:
People are so unpredictable and judgemental.
I Love:
family and friends, MEN, reading, chocolate
I Ache:
After a long day of working out...
I always:
Help people when I can.
I Am Not:
a bad person
I Dance:
I used to dance all the time. Swing Dancing mainly I have traveled all over Michigan, Ohio, Pittsburg and Washington D.C just to dance...I love it!!! Oldies night at the wayside is awesome also.
I Sing:
All the time...I can't sing that well, but I really don't care...I love music.
I Cry:
Occasionally with something really hurts me.
I Am Not Always:
as dependable as everyone wants me to is sometimes really hard under pressure.
I Write:
in livejournal, homework, and AOL instant messenger
I Win:
winning..what's that???
I Lose:
Sometimes...I try not to look at anything as losing...just exploring new options.
I Confuse:
People sometimes when I get into goofy moods.
I Need:
To learn to take time for myself so I can figure out what is really important to me.
I Should:
try not to be negative about certain things...I don't like being negative...
Father thinks I need to:
Who knows...maybe call him more??? I don't talk to him much...
Mother thinks I am:
Successful...she thinks that I am smarter than I actually am.
It makes me happy:
To be in non-negagtive atmosphere, hanging out with people talking about nothing and everything at the same time. :-)
Upsets me:
Negativity, when people I love do something stupid that they regret later on, being late!!
yes or no...
x. you keep a diary:
Only if Live Journal counts.
x. you like to cook:
Yep, I like to cook...
x. you have a secret you have not shared with anyone:
x. you set your watch ahead:
when I wear a watch it is normally 5 minutes ahead or so...I like to be on time.
x. you bite your fingernails: nope..I clip them.
x. you believe in love: Of course I do...Life would be dull without love.
Who is...?
the prettiest female you know:
I don't know.
the weirdest person you know:
too many to point out just one...
the loudest person you know:
Jessica Dorn (love ya girl!!!)
The sexiest person you know:
your closest friends:
Steve, Brandy, Rachel, Karianne, Katie, Stacie, MaryAnn
The person that knows the most about you:
your crush(es):
I'd rather not say... They know who they are.
most boring teacher: Mr. Bier..HS government...he was a very nice man...but boy did his voice drone...and the slide shows!!!
Do You...?
take a shower everyday:
think you've been in love:
I have definatly been in love.
want to get married:
Yes I would love to get married...after school of course!!!
have any tattoos/where?:
nope..I have thought about it...But I don't know of anything I want permantly put on my body.
get motion sickness:
think you're a health freak:
get along with your parents:
It depends
like thunderstorms:
sometimes...lately they have been getting on my nerves...

My cousin and Kurt's little...
swing dance friend
Alicia's boyfriend?
My little sister....I love you!!!
Double A-Ron.
My two new ASA sisters.
Iron Will...very good movie.
My Dad, cousin, grandpa, and you see a trend...:-P
The Rapper.
A girl in my Girl scout troop...she is such a sweet heart!!!
Steve's room mate.
Dave Lahaie cool guy from SITG.
Pepper, Juice, Madea(spelling is horrible)
Cuddle or Make Out?
Both. I definatly depends on the person though.
Chocolate Milk or Hot Chocolate?
Both! They are chocolate!!!
Milk, Dark, OR White Chocolate?
They are all good, Milk Chocolate is the best though.
(In the past week have you....)
Helped Someone?
Yeah I helped Pepper move out of his room, then i helped Jessica pack her car.
Bought something?
Khaki capris at Fashion Bug and lunch at Wendy's.
Gone to the Movies?
Nope not in the past week.
Gone out for Dinner?
yep The best one was going to Mountain town for Joanna's graduation dinner!
Only to my sisters and my family...I have never said it to a boyfriend...even though it may have been true.
Written a Real Letter?
nope only a email.
Talked to an Ex?
Missed an Ex?
yes I have.
Written in a Journal?
Right now.
Talked to a crush?
I talked to him yesterday.
Had a Serious Talk?
Missed Someone?
Everyday...many people.
Hugged someone?
I hugged Larry and Rachel today.
Fought With Your Parents?
Fought With a Friend?

Would You Ever…
1. Eat a bug?
Maybe it depends how hungry I am.
2. Bungee jump?
3. Hang glide?
4. Kill someone?
If I absolutly had if the person was trying to kill me...I hope I would be able to.
5. Have sex with someone you don't love?
6. Kiss someone of the same sex?
Hell no!
7. Have sex with someone of the same sex?
Hell no!
8. Parachute from a plane?
9. Walk on hot coals?
Probably not.
10. Go out with someone for their looks?
No I think looks are overrated...If all guys just asked girls out for their looks I would be screwed and never have a date!
11. For their reputation?
Nope that is stupid too.
12. Be a vegetarian?
Nope I like meat too much!
13. Wear plaid with stripes?
I don't think so.
14. IM a stranger?
nope sometimes they IM me though...
15. Sing karaoke?
Yes, I have done it a couple times before.
16. Get drunk off your ass?
Yes I have.
17. Shoplift?
18. Run a red light?
19. Star in a porn video?
Fuck no!
20. Dye your hair blue?
Yep and Purple.
21. Be on Survivor?
Probably not.
22. Wear makeup in public?
23. NOT wear makeup in public?
24. Cheat on a test?
Not since highschool
25. Make someone cry?
Yep...not very often though...
26. Call your math teacher a motherfucker?
Maybe not a motherfucker...but I have come up with other things to call her...fucking Math 152!!!
27. Kick a baby?
ummm...let me think...Of course not!!!
28. Date someone more than ten years older than you?
If he was the right person for me...
29. swear at a priest?
30. Take a job as a janitor?
If I had to...

Ok...Now that was really freaking long!!! Hope you all have fun reading it...comment if you wish! :-)
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