Jun 23, 2009 20:13
I had ideas about being productive after finishing my college course - we put everything out to be evaluated last Monday. But I have been really tired, from the last minute rushing, from the financial worries about my Mum and pressure of trying to sort out things in her house which is being sold, and I have kind of wound down and down and finally let myself be pretty lazy these last few days. The house sale, which was being done in a rush for the buyer, has now fallen through. (I told my son, OS, thatd it had fallen through, and he said 'fallen through' thoughtfully. He has a bit of trouble with odd phrases like that, but I hadn't even thought it was odd until I started to say it to him. He knew what I meant.) So I am even off the hook for driving down to pick up eleven boxes of my stuff that my sister and cousin found, and a last goodbye to the house and the bridge. I still have to do those things. But there is more time. More worries for us about finding a buyer (which is such a pain when you really really don't want anyone else to have it ....).
I am typing this on my new netbook, an Eeepc, seems to work all right. The computer manager (OK, my partner) has faffed around with it for hours and it is running under Fedora 11, which maybe I will get the hang of one day. I'd be even worse with Windows. I get so frustrated though. I can't drag and drop in all the situations I want to, have to learn new ways around. It seems to have a great future as a room heating device, though. Anyway, this is being done in Firefox, which works better than most of the other browsers I seem to find myself wrestling with. And still websites hang and mess me around. (Why lots of browsers? College has PCs with Windows, and Macs, home has Risc and Linux and Windows.)
The weather started very misty, then brightened up, then there was a downpour, followed by a lovely sunny evening. The sun has just gone off my garden, which is heavily overgrown. I do a little when I can, today I tied up some broad beans I surprisingly remembered to plant some months ago. Slow broad beans called Bunyards Exhibition. They should taste good when they decide to produce some produce. It will be a while. Just flowers and beginning beans today.