Aug 23, 2005 23:33
What time are you starting this at?: 11:33
What is your full name?: Lindy Jean Kozlowski
Do you like your name?: i suppose.. its different
If no,What would you change it to?: not sure.. riley jean maybe?
Age?: 17
Gender: FEMALe
What Grade are you in?: 12
Number of Siblings and age: Brent- 25 Dena-21
Where do you live?: Paso Robles and Simi Valley
Where were you Born?: Thousand Oaks
Why are you taking this survey?: cant sleep
Food: i love it all
Dessert: cheese cake or warm hot fudge brownies
Car: either an eclipse '98 or '05 OR any BMW haha
Actor: adam sandler or jim carey
Actress: jen aniston
Band: lots..
Female Singer: Christina Aguilera
Male Singer: .. dunno
Movie: lots..
Song: changes every week haha
CD: my crazy mixes
Game: dunno
Book: this lulliby.. go ask alice.. prep.. just 2 name a few of the hundreds
Subject in School: lunch haha jk um.. english and history even tho i do so bad in them
State: the one i live in CALI!!
City: dont have one haha
Football Team: dont have one but i like UCLA bruins haha
Soccer Team: egh not my kinda sport
Sport: i like pretending i know wats going on in football but i really like baseball
Basketball Team: none
Hockey Team: none
Country: usa? even tho we have an idiot for a president
Animal: cat
Color: i have many.. light yellow.. green, pink, black
Relative: my sister
Channel(TV): DISCOVERY, HISTORY, lifetime, foodnet., mtv, stylenet.
Show: the nanny hahaha ive seen every episode tho = (
Drink: ew dont metion im already feeling quezzy
Thing to Do: hang out? haha
Brand of Clothes: dont have one
Store: styles for less.. haha loooove it
Hotel: i dunno
Number: 29
Word: got alot of um
Phrase: oh yeah! or.. ya watever haha
Season: i love them all at the wrong times haha
Type of music you listen to: EVERYTHING.
Tree: weeping willows
Flower: white roses with burgendy tips.. and sunflowers.. oh and these other ones i cant think of the name tho
This or That
car/truck: depends..
Silver/Gold: Silver but i do like some gold pieces
Hot/Sexy: same thing!
cd/tape: CD
Radio/XM radio: wats the difference?
Playstation 2/XboX: PS2 haha cuz thats what i have
Coke/Pop: depends where in the country i am
ma/HDTV: ??
Small town/Big City: Both
Rainy/dry: depends on my mood
Hot/Cold: um..
Long/Short: ???
Shoes/pants: i love both i have a shoe obsession tho
This or that about members of the opposite same
Muscles/Curves: muscles
Tight Jeans/Baggy Jeans: a lil baggy but not 2 much.. NO TIGHT PANTS!!
When you kiss do you like just a Peck on the cheek/French Kiss for about an hour/other?: i like my birdy kisses
Quiet/Loud: um..
Wild/Quiet: depends on the moment i guess
Do you have a g/f or b/f?: its a wierd situation i guess
If yes what is their name?: ..
What's your fave physical feature they have?: his smile.. and his oh so cute tummy
Personality Feature?: .. we laugh and talk about the stupidest things ever
Have you ever kissed before?: yes
If so,when was your 1st kiss?: about.. 2 weeks ago
Most Recent?: a few hours ago.. before i went home and threw up cuz im so damn sick
Longest?: um.. not sure haha i dont time it
Have you ever French Kisssed?: um yeah if thats wat u wanna call it haha
If so, Where?: mind ur own business gawd
Where do you like to go out on dates the most and why?: um i dunno dinner cuz i love trying out different places and different foods.. and then just hanging out at the park talking eatting cold stones.. mmmm
Do You Believe in
God: im optimistic but im more on the believing side
Heaven: read above
Hell: read above
Satan: read above
Aliens: we cant possibley b the only ones
How much time do you spend
Reading: not as much as id love 2 lately
Doing Chores: i like cleaning
Playin Sports: 0
At the movies a month?: hardly ever