Mr. Cain and his wife are friggin perfect for each other... right Caley? awwww

May 17, 2005 16:19

Brought the camera to school today. I'm not telling any of you why. Some of you know why. I'd just rather not make it public right now... maybe later, when the process is done.
Took a picture of Lathon. That kid makes my day. In Economics we watched some video on commercials since Mr. Konstant had to go to the JA Titan thingy with the kids that won. We got that cool substitute with the glasses and short brown hair (NOT Krohn. I hate Mr. Krohn). Yesterday, Mr. K told us about a Hallmark commercial that was a real tear-jerker. Well, we watched it, and there were two Hallmark commercials. One, had this old guy and he was sad his daughter couldn't walk with him through the woods on Christmas Eve like they alwasy did, so she sent him a card, and the other one was of this little kid who was thanking his teacher for helping him read and he gave her a card, then asked if she wanted him to read it to her. That one was his favorite. At the end of the year, our class is going to buy him a Hallmark card then ask if he wants us to read it to him. Pretty funny.
In English, we finished reading Antigone and basically everyone dies. Except the Chorus. We didn't have time to discuss anything, so we're gonna talk about how it relates to Once and Future King tomorrow. Mr. Cain also managed to sneak in the line: "We'll also relate the story to current events and policies we have right now." That was his way of saying, "Let's talk about President Bush." Me, Molly and Chrissy looked at each other and started laughing. He looked up at us and got the "Cain Face" because he knew what we were thinking. After class, I was slow getting my stuff together and he mentioned how tomorrow should be and interesting class. Here's roughly how the conversation went:
Mr. Cain: Tomorrow should be interesting.
Me: Uh... yeah...
Cain: *laughs*
Me: I think I'll just let Molly do the talking.
Cain: Yeah, she should have something interesting to say.
Me: She's REALLY conservative. I'm just convservative. Actually, that whole back corner is conservative. *points to where me, Molly, Nate and Amanda sit* And then over there, Bekka is really conservative, Kyle is conservative and so is Billy.
Cain: I'm surprised Molly's so conservative. What with being a young girl...*blah blah, I didn't really hear him when he said that*
Me: Yeah, I think she's religious and her family is conservative, I'm not religious though, yet I'm still conservative.
Cain: Well, it should be an really really interesting discussion tomorrow.

He also mentioned how he didn't think Nathan was conservative and I said, well, yeah, he had a Bush/Cheney bumpersticker on his bag. He also kept saying "Interesting" and was smiling the whole time like he's looking forward to it. I don't think he realized there were that many conservative kids in the class, because he kept looking surprised when I named off another kid I knew was pro-Bush.

Went to Philosophy Club meeting too and Ms. Raudonis runs it. She knew everyone except me and when I pointed this out she goes, "Oh, yes, I don't know you. I do know your name, though. Mr. Cain has mentioned you. Is it Kate? No, but does your last name begin with an 'H'?" WTF? Cain talks about me to his wife?????
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