Boy was today ever an awesome day. It’s really separated into 2 ½ categories.
Lunch - Yes, Mr. Cain was brought up. I forget how exactly... Oh yeah, that morning, I saw Jess and she said to me, “That’s it, today at lunch we’re not gonna talk about Mr. Cain.” She was laughing when she said it, though, so obviously we talked about him. Well, in Jess’s class that day, He passed around a picture of himself from when he was a sophomore (apparently he did the same thing last half, but I must’ve been absent.) She was flipping out again, lol. I asked if he was hott and she was like YES! I asked Bekka if he was hott, and she said... Um... not hott. I need to see this. Anyway, Jess said that most of the kids just looked at the picture and passed it on and didn’t even care, but when it came to her she was like staring at it forever. She said she loved it. So, since me and Bekka, once again, have English 7th period, I told Jess that I would take her phone and take a picture of the picture. She needed her phone, so I couldn’t use it. I said, fine I’ll just use mine and email it to you.
English - Well, we get to English, and there’s no way in hell that I was going to get caught trying to take a picture of Mr. Cain, not after the rose incident. So I gave my phone to Bekka, who sits in the fron row. When class started, I noticed that Bekka was taking pictures of Mr. Cain under the desk. I had to try so hard just to keep a straight face. So now, I have about 5 or 6 pictures of Mr. Cain on my phone. That brings me to the last category.
After school - Me and Caley had been planning on staying after today for philosophy club, which I’m still a little hesitant on even joining because Mr. Cain’s wife runs it, but today I talked to him about it and told him to be there. Either way, the meeting got cancelled because Raundonis was sick, so me and Caley just planned on hanging out until 3:30. First, we walked back to the English building after Health, because Caley’s never actually seen Mr. Cain, so we walked by his room and said hi. Then we walked around the building for a bit, I saw Mr. Hall and said, “Hi Mr. Hall,” in a rather deep voice, so he goes “Hi, Lindsay,” really deep, it was funny. Then we walked back outside and saw Mr. Cain and Ms. Raundonis walking to her car, so Caley was like, we should say hi. I said, No you do it, I already said hi to cain. So she yelled, Bye Ms. Raundonis, Get Better! and waved, and then mr. cain waved and everything was just friggin precious. We had wanted to see Urbanik so we went to the gym, but couldn’t find him, instead we ran into Jess and showed her the pictures of Mr. Cain that Bekka took. She loved them. We walked around and went up to watch the tennis game, but it was too early for it to start, so we sat down on the bleachers by the baseball field and escaped Brian (we’re so horrible, guys.) Then it got freezing, so we walked back into the English building.
Holy crap, some great things were said today, so I’ll just list a few conversations:
Jess was rambling about Mr. Cain
Caley: Uh...Jess, don’t you have a boyfriend?
Jess: Oh my God, don’t tell Mr. Cain that.
Talking about his wife.
Jess: She totally doesn’t deserve him. He could do better!
Talking about him and his wife.
Jess: (cute voice) Aw, he really, really likes her.
Me faking out Jess.
Me to Katie: Yeah, I actually have Mr. Cain’s cell phone number.
Jess: ... WHAT?
Kids, we are most definitely doing that again. And in case any of you were wondering, yes, I emailed Jess the picture.
Well, I need to get ready for driver’s ed, we have like 2 classes left or something. Tonight some insurance person is coming, so parents were invited, but my dad was just like, “Oh, I’m just gonna call my insurance lady and get more accurate information.” So I’m going alone. Maybe I’ll sit with Tommy and his mom or Brittany and her mom/dad.
Anyone up for Kingdom of Heaven this weekend? Perhaps Friday afterschool or that night.
Ain’t no lie.
Bye, Bye, Bye.