10 days, exactamente!!

Apr 17, 2005 21:28

Well, it's 9:30 on a Sunday and I am pleased with my accomplishments for this weekend. Although, however much I do, I'm still swamped! But I'm not too worried about that, because everyone has this problem. Somehow it all gets done, so I just have to keep reminding myself before I totally freak out. That would not be cool.
Ok , what the hell, I hate my boombox. Granted, it's almost 6 years old, but it does this annoying thing where it stops in a middle of a song and doesn't play anymore, despite the fact that it's still turned on. It stopped doing it when I got my own room, so I therefore came to the conclusion that it just didn't like Sara or something because she would curse at it, and undoubtebly hurt its feelings, but now I see that it's just a dumb piece of crap. Maybe I should ask for a new one for my bday...but...I dunno, we'll see how much it annoys me. Maybe it just doesn't like Antonio Orozco cuz he's a Spaniard...oh God, my boombox is racist.
So this weekend I managed to escape my computer (I wrote 2 papers, did my history worksheet, and worked a smidgen on my portfuckio) and went to see the movie Sahara. Even if you don't like action movies, it's worth 6 bucks just to see Matthew McConaghey's (sp?) 6 pack and gorgeous smile against a well-tanned skin. Seriously, add in that Texan drawl and I'm gone! What? The movie itself? Not bad, I'd give it a B+.
Well it's almost 10. I better get my butt in gear. Tomorrow is a busy Monday!
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