(no subject)

Feb 06, 2005 14:30

Name? Lindsey McGrath
Age? 14
Sex? Female
Where you live? Rochester MI
Siblings? yeah a sister whos 5
Pets? Yesum. my doggy angel

Fallen for your best friend? yes.
Made out w/ JUST a friend? nope.
Been rejected? haha yes i can say i have
Been in love? not sure.
Been in lust? .... huh?
Used someone? no thats mean.
Been used? ha i think i probably have.
Cheated on someone? no.
Been cheated on? yes.
Been kissed? yesum.
Done something you regret? haha yeah i think i have alot of those.
Broken someone's heart? sadly..
Cried when someone died? duh. who wouldn't?
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have? haha yeah
Drank alcohol? yesum.
Smoked anything? no.

Who was the last person...
You touched? haha i don't know..
You talked to? umm Matt- online.
You hugged? haha no idea.
You instant messaged? Matthew.
You had sex with? hahaha
You yelled at? yeah my sister.
You laughed with? my mom.
Who broke your heart? ha.. hmmm....
Who made you smile? hahaha umm.. i'm thinking alexa.. haha
Who had a crush on you? Rather not say.

Do you ever...
Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night? hahaha naaa.. thats ok. i'll just get the call when it happens.
Wish you were someone else? naaa. i think i like myself the way i am.
Wish that you were a member of the opposite sex? ..... at times.. ha
Cry because of someone's mean words? Yes.

What were you doing...
1 MINUTE ago: this thingy.
1 DAY ago: i was up at Chorus Camp... yesssssssss.
1 WEEK ago: i was at PARIS'!!!!!!
1 YEAR ago: No idea.
On your last car-ride? talking with my mommy.
On your last vacation? i think it was Cedar Point!!!.. haha yay!!!. Stephanie Joy- haha ahh that was so much fun.!!!

I HURT: my head does.
I HATE: thats a strong word. but i guess i would say people that lie.
I FEAR: Crabs.
I HOPE: haha alot of things. like one is that i hope cedar point will pop up in my backyard... :-)
I FEEL: very happy.
I LISTEN: Taking Back Sunday..
I HIDE: notes is all i can think of rite now.
I DRIVE: in the front seat. next to mi madre.
I PLAY: nothing at the moment.
I KNOW: things couldn't get better.
I WAIT: For you????.. i'm done.
I NEED: nothing at the moment..
I THINK: about way to much...

Current Clothes: a sweatshirt. shorts that my mommy got me on the cruise.
Current Mood: Very Happy.
Current Music: You're so last summer- Taking back sundayy!!!!
Current Taste: Pepsi!
Current Hair: a messy bun.
Current Annoyance: don't have one.
Current Smell: ..... *TAKE A WIFF* .. aahhh paris...hahahahha
Current thing I should be Doing: no idea.
Current Desktop Picture: haha its me and paris.
Current Favorite bands/singers: Taking Back Sunday/Sugarcult/Green Day/My Chemical Romance.
Current Book: Books are Gay.
Current Movie In DVD: NAPOLEAN!!!!!!
Current Refreshment: pop.
Current Worry: hahaha i worry about WAY to much. and things that i shouldn't..
Current Crush: my favorite black man. RyAn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

of times I have had my heart broken? i can think of 2.
of hearts I have broken? i only think 2 also. ha but i DOUBT i broke there heart.. and wow i'm gay.
of people I consider my enemies? hahahahahaha.. not sure on that one..
of people from high school that I stayed in contact with? ha i guess u could say everyone?

i was overly bored. :-)
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