Jun 12, 2005 22:39
So that was the coolest thing I have done in a long time. I just got a ride home in a cop car! And all I did was ask for directions. Haha. I was at Paulos birthday party, just in Acibadem. I have come home from there before and it only cost my 3 mil so I decided...fuck it Im gunna walk. I have been extremely poor lately, I can use the money for food instead. I start walking down this small little side aly that isnt looking too framiliar. Fuck I am lost. There is no one on the street and I am not about to flag down a random car and ask them for help. So then I saw this cop car drive towards me. I figured, a cop, here to help the people, he can help some poor little foreign make her way back to her home. There are two of them in the car and first they tell me to take a taxi. I refuse saying no I dont have very much money and it is such a beautiful evening Id prefer to walk. They told me which way to go and I was off. In a minute or so later (just as I gained my bearings and realized where I was) they pull up again and say cmon hop in we are going that way anyways. At first I was like no no thanks really it is really close and I would just rather walk. They insisted and I said fuck it, I always wanted to say I rode in the back of a police car (and cmon a turkish cop car..does that sound cool or what?) So I got in. I know I broke a cardinal rule in life. Never get in the car with a stranger. Especially in Turkey...shortly after I got in I realized that probably wasnt the smartest thing Id done. In the end though all turned out well and they were really cool guys. Haha they made me laugh and they complimented me on my turkish. We talked about police and in America and they started talking about C.O.P.S. Haha it was all good fun. Oh yea and then they got lost and I probably got home later than if I walked. Oh well what can you do.
Anyways, steph took off for Maramaris tonight. To make a long story short a bunch of kids were planning on renting out a boat for 3 or 4 days and we were invited. Obviously it just wasnt meant to be because probelm after problem arose and the risk just wasnt worth it for me. Steph decided to go at the very last second. She called her dad and took off with Scott, and Grant with nothing but the clothes on her back, no money, no kontor, and no permission from Asli. It will be strange this week without Aly, Steph, or Grisel here. My three best friends...yok. Maybe this will be good and I will bond with some of the other kids one last time before they leave. Well I am off for now...my stomach hurts and I have to tell my host mom that I am going to the airport tomorrow morning to say good bye to Grisel. She is gunna think I am crazy...this is the third time in a week. Oh well after this I dont think Im gunna go until I leave. Aw I am going to miss Grisel so much. We have become such good friends this year. It really wont be the same without her and her silly sayings and calling me Lady.
This entrance went from very happy to very sad in a very short time.