Oct 12, 2008 00:15
Title: Bring Me to Life
Author: Lindseyfair
Characters/Pairings: Edward/Bella mostly, some Alice/Jasper, some Emmett/Rosalie
Rating: Overall M for Mature, will designate chapters with more graphic content.
Category: Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Spoilers: None really, would be nice if you've at least read “Twilight” to get the basic character content.
This is Alternate Universe and is All Human.
Summary: 17 year old Edward has returned to Forks after spending six years at an exclusive boarding school. He's not the same Edward that his childhood best friend, Bella, remembers. He's changed and closed himself to almost everyone. Can Bella bring him back to life?
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters. They all belong to Stephenie Meyer. She is the goddess, so thank her.
Chapter 19-Angry No More
We left the courtroom through a side door and were ushered into a conference room.
“The press is all out front. We can get you out, but if you want to make a statement, now would be the time.” Ryan looked directly to Charlie.
“I'll do it.” They all looked at me with shocked expressions, except my Bella. She knew somehow that it was time for me. Time to finally speak out. We had discussed this very scenario with Dr. Yorkie in several of our recent sessions. I knew I was ready. No mater how scared or embarrassed, I couldn't let what they did to me stop me from letting the world know how I felt. “I'm ready.”
Bella took my hand and smiled as she stuck tight to my side.
“Okay then. I'll go and make a short statement. I'm would advise you all not to answer any questions at this time.”
“I'll just make a statement on behalf of the family.” I nodded to myself, my internal monologue accidentally voiced.
“You sure about this son? Charlie or I could...”
I cut him off. “No, dad. I have to do this.”
We stood behind Ryan as he addressed the press on the front steps of the courthouse.
“The family would like to make a short statement. Please, no questions at this time. I will turn it over to Mr. Edward Cullen.”
Ryan stepped away from the microphone for me to take his place. I stepped forward, but Bella wouldn't let me go. She held steadfast at my side as I reached the microphone. I threaded my fingers through my hair in a vague attempt to calm it. I squeezed Bella's hand at my side. One deep breath, then...
“Thank you, Mr. Shepard. First of all, we'd like to thank all of those who have worked so diligently on this case. From Mr. Shepard and everyone at the U.S. Attorney's office to the FBI to the local law enforcement. As I understand, the terms of the plea agreement will not be released until sentencing, therefore I can not comment on the specifics at this time. I will say that both Bella and I feel that justice has been served. These two...” I felt myself choking up. I closed my eyes and drew in a breath before I could continue. “These two monsters will never hurt or take advantage of a child again. I have lived too many years in silence. I've spent too many hours worrying that there was nothing that I could do to stop them. Today, I'm starting a new life with this woman by my side. We are looking forward to an amazing future. I refuse to let the pain they have caused our families, Bella, and I to stop us from having the lives we've always dreamed of. Thank you all for your wonderful support and thoughtfulness at this trying time in our lives. This is just one chapter to our life story and hopefully soon, we'll be able to end it and go onto the next.”
I stepped back from the microphone as Bella's arms surrounded me. Reporters started firing questions as Ryan tried to calm them all down. All I could hear was Bella's breath in my ear as she held her lips close.
I felt my father's hand on my back as Bella and I broke apart. He ushered us down the stairs and into an awaiting SUV.
I looked at the clock. Fifteen minutes left and only five questions to go.
“At the time of the Civil War, two major issues of the North and South were... D States rights and status of slavery in the west.”
“Lucretia Mott, Susan B. Anthony, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton are most closely associated with the idea that... D suffrage should be granted to women.”
I thought there were an awful amount of D's on the test. I think it was because the teacher that had written the test always wanted the students to read through every answer. If every answer was A, no one would ever read the rest.
I filled in the last three questions and shut my booklet. I looked over to see Alice with four more questions to go. I picked up my booklet and handed it to the Government teacher who had taken time after school hours to watch over us as we took our test.
“I'll grade these as soon as Alice is done. The two of you can wait here if you want.”
“I'm done!” Alice jumped out of her seat and rushed up to the desk.
“Thank you, Miss Cullen. Have a seat.” He pulled out his answer sheet and went straight to work.
Alice and I sat back down. Another task down, now only one thing left to worry about.
“I thought I was never going to get done with that. Let's go celebrate.”
“Alice, we don't even know if we passed.”
“Don't worry, sweetie. I have a good feeling about it. I'm thinking maybe a little shopping spree. You've got to get something to wear for your wedding night.”
“Alice, hush.” The teacher's eyes barely looked up at Alice's comment. “You know all this weekends plans are still on the down low.”
“I know, but I'm so excited. I can barely contain myself. Aren't you excited?”
“Yes, I'm excited. I'm thrilled. And to be completely honest, a little bit terrified.”
She pulled her desk closer to mine as she whispered. “Oh god, not because I told you about how much it hurts and all that the first time?”
“No,” I whispered back. “I know I'm ready and I think Edward is, but I just don't want him to think that we have to, you know.”
“Oh. If you aren't gonna, you know, you at least want something sexy to sleep in. I know this little boutique. Please, please, please Bella. I promise it will be quick.”
I did need something. I really didn't want to spend my wedding night in a pair of flannel pants and a tank top. Edward had seen my whole collection of sleepwear. It would be my only wedding night and I did want to look attractive for Edward.
“Fine. Something sexy, but not slutty.”
She jumped out of her seat and pulled me up into a hug.
“Alice. Alice!”
She pulled back as she looked to see a less than thrilled Government teacher staring at us.
“Sorry.” She let me go as my face turned scarlet as the teacher came around to sit on the front of his desk.
“I've finished grading these. I have to say, I'm quite impressed. Miss Swan, you passed with a ninety-four percent. Miss Cullen, you passed with a ninety-one percent.”
Alice gathered me again in her arms while she jumped up and down and screamed.
“I knew it. I knew it.” She let go of me to go hug the teacher, but he held her back with a stern look.
“I will get these to the principle and he will take it from there.”
“Thank you, really. So much.” I barely got out before Alice was dragging me out of the room and into the corridor.
We were practically running down the hall when we heard footsteps behind us.
“Bella. Alice. Wait up.”
I turned around to see the all too familiar sandy blonde, decked out with football pads and cleats.
“Hey, Mike.”
“Wow. You girls run fast.” He put his hands on his knees attempting to catch his breath. “I wanted to say hi. I have seen you since you got back, Bella. How are you doing?”
“Good, Mike. Thanks for asking.”
“So... Are you guys coming back to school?”
“No.” Alice spoke up. “We were just taking a test. We're kinda doing a home school thing, but the principle wanted Bella and I to have a sit down with the Government teacher.”
“Oh, alright.” He ringed his hands together, like he was nervous or something. “I was just thinking, if you guys want, you could come to the game on Friday night. Then, there's the dance on Saturday. I know it's your birthday and all, but I'm sure the gang would love to see you all. Jessica can't stop talking about that James guy. Is he still in town?”
“Yeah, but we've kinda got plans this weekend.” Alice was glued to my side as she tried not to laugh while I continued. “Edward and I are doing something special since we really didn't get to celebrate his birthday.”
“Right.” He nodded as his gaze went down to his feet. “How is he? I mean he looked like he was doing okay on TV, but...”
“He's doing much better. I'll let him know you asked. I promise, we'll get together with the whole gang. Just give us a couple more weeks. We're still getting adjusted.”
“Yeah, sure. Well... I better get back to practice. I'll see you around.” I knew he was talking more to me than to Alice, which was flattering but still a little creepy.
“You too.”
Mike walked back down the hall while Alice grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door.
We ran to the Porsche and hopped in. We were at her boutique in a matter of minutes. I didn't even have time to find my favorite station on the radio. All the Cullen's drove like mad men, Alice most of all.
“OOo, I found a green one. Edward loves green!”
She held a little green baby doll negligee in front of her.
“I don't think so. Plus, the fur trim on the bottom is a little much.”
“I just through it might feel good to rub on his skin. Jas has a thing for my pink boa and feathers.”
The image of Jasper, naked, being tickled with a feather was a hard one to shake. I pulled myself out when I saw what I had been looking for.
I went over to the rack and picked it up. “This is perfect.”
Alice came over to examine it. “Wow. I think you're right. Sexy, but wedding night sexy. It's on me.”
“No, Alice. I can...”
“No, I insist. This can be a birthday present.”
“I know you've already gotten me something else.”
“So? I can't spoil my new sister?”
I squinted as I pursed my lips. “You know I can never say no to you.”
“Then that's settled.”
She walked toward the register with my birthday present and the green baby doll.
“Alice, I said I didn't like the green one.”
“I know. It's for me. Jas is gonna loved it.”
I just rolled my eyes as she pulled out her credit card.
“Happy birthday, love.” I kissed her nose as her arms found their way around my neck. She rolled over on top of me, the sheets tangling around her legs.
“I can't believe it's finally here.” She pecked my lips at least a dozen times before laying her head on my chest. “Why are you already dressed?”
“I had to get ready to give you your first present.”
She pulled her head up and put her chin on my chest. “What did you do?”
“Well, it's more from Rose and Jasper, but James and I had a little to do with it.”
“Oh, god.”
“It's not that bad. I promise. Just get dressed and meet me down in the living room.”
She reluctantly rolled off of me. I rushed out the door to get downstairs and get everything ready.
Rose, Emmett, Jasper, Alice, and James were all in the living room when I got there.
“She's getting dressed. Is everything ready?”
“Yep. It's streaming as we speak. I've got everything hooked up.” Jasper was just a little excited and seemingly extremely proud of himself.
“I still can't believe we pulled this all together so quick.” I rubbed my now sweaty palms on my jeans.
“Don't worry, brother. She's gonna love it.”
“Don't sweat it. You know Bella swoons every time she hears your music. I swear, she played that CD Alice gave her at least ten hours a day.” Emmett rolled his eyes. My first thought... kill Alice.
I looked to Alice to see her sweet little smile, her head tipped slightly to the side. “It was just a combination of some of your recitals. She really missed you. I thought it would help. It was over two years ago, Edward.”
“What was two years ago?” Bella came prancing down the stairs.
“Since I made you that CD of Edward's recitals.”
“Oh, that.” She bit down on her bottom lip as she took my hand. “I just missed hearing you. I begged Alice to make me a copy when I heard her listening to it. Don't blame her.”
“Bells, you never told him that you couldn't go to sleep without listening to it?” Emmett laughed, but Rose elbowed him in the ribs.
“It's fine really. It will make this all the more special. Come here.” I pulled her over to sit next to me on the couch. “Whenever you're ready, Jasper.”
Jasper hit a couple of keys on the laptop that was hooked up to the big screen. Soon, a live shot of our website popped up. Jasper clicked on the update bar.
“Oh... my ... god.” Bella heard the familiar tone of her lullaby with a little something extra. James and I had added some guitar accompaniment to give it what I thought it needed to be complete. Then, the pictures that Jasper had taken started to scroll across the screen. “It's wonderful. When did you have time?”
“Jasper and Rose got the photos together. James and I recorded the lullaby with the rest of the wedding music while you and Alice were busy studying.”
“I love it. It's on the website?”
“Yep. Jasper and Rose put it up this morning.”
She put her hands on both sides of my face and pulled me in for a kiss. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I love it.”
She got up and went to hug Jasper. “Thank you.”
“No really, thank you. Alice showed me what you turned down last night. So, thank you.”
I looked at her confused as she whispered, “Later.”
She went over to Rose and gave her a big hug. “I never really thanked you for all that you've done.”
“It's the least I could do.” Rose patted her back as she shot me a smile.
“That's just present number one.” Alice chirped.
“Alice, I told you. What you bought last night was enough.”
“What did she buy you?”
Bella stared Alice down as she shook her head.
“It's kinda a... surprise.”
I lifted an eyebrow as my arms wrapped around her waist. “A surprise... for me?”
“You'll see tomorrow night.”
Knowing Alice's taste, it was most definitely lingerie. Not that Bella needed anything to make her look any sexier than she already was. It didn't stop me from feeling a little excited though.
“You can't fill my head with things like that. I might just have to call the minister and marry us right now.” I pulled her in for a kiss.
“Come on now. Breakfast is waiting,” Alice said as she pulled Bella from me, leading us all to the kitchen.
My mother made an extravagant breakfast which was followed by all of us sitting around for over two hours just talking as our stomachs settled.
Once we were able to move again, it was time to give Bella the birthday of her dreams.
We piled the girls into our new Volvo, while everyone else piled into Emmett's jeep. We headed out to the lake to enjoy the little of the Indian summer.
Bella looked far more than beautiful in an emerald green bikini. We all spent the day swimming and playing games. We had a sand castle building contest in which Gracie and I teamed up. I thought ours was the best, even though some of the towers were a little lopsided and it didn't look much like a castle. Neither did any of the others. We were declared the winners and were given the pleasure of stomping the competitors castles to the ground.
We grilled hamburgers and hot dogs for lunch. When it got to close to dinner time, we packed it up an headed home for one of my mother's spectacular birthday dinners.
I stole Bella away after dinner to give her my present.
“Edward. You know I don't need anything.”
“It's for tomorrow. It can be your something blue.”
I pulled the light blue box with the white ribbon from my pocket.
“Tiffany's? Edward, you shouldn't have.”
“Just open it.”
She pulled the ribbon off and lifted the lid to find what I'd been hiding for over a week.
“It's... It's g-gorgeous.”
I took the diamond and sapphire white gold bracelet from the box and placed it on her delicate wrist.
“Perfect.” I kissed her hand as I saw a tear run down her cheek. “Bella.”
“I just can't believe all of this is really happening. Today has been more than I could ever hope for. Then tomorrow...”
“Is going to be just as perfect.” I leaned down to capture her lips as the pad of my thumb wiped the tear from the apple of her cheek. “I love you, Isabella Swan.”
“I so love you, Edward Cullen.”
“And by this time tomorrow, we will be husband and wife.”
“And you will get to see your surprise.”
“OOo, don't tease. You gotta give me a hint.”
“Well... It's not what Alice had originally picked. But, I guess that worked out for Jasper cause she bought it for herself.”
“Do I even want to know?”
“I didn't really think you would be up to the fur trim. I went for something a little less... kinky. A little more sexy in a traditional way.”
“Sounds promising.” I licked my lips before pressing them to hers again.
“You think you'll be up to it?”
She looked at me with pleading eyes. I knew she was more than ready. I could tell by the way she moaned my name almost every night in her sleep. I could tell she was dreaming about the night we'd finally come together. I knew, more than I ever had before, I wanted to make love to my wife. It might not be crazy, passionate, up against a wall kind of sex, but I knew it would be wonderful.
“I will give you a real wedding night. Don't expect fireworks the first time, but I think from all the exploring we've done so far, we'll make a few sparks.”
“I can do sparks.” She kissed across my neck and up to my ear.
“You've gotta stop. Alice was expecting you in her room...” I looked at my watch. “ten minutes ago.”
She pulled away with a small pout. “A bachelorette slumber party. I know she's just going to torture my hair within an inch of it's life.”
“She could have been a lot worse, you know. Just imagine what it's going to be like when she gets married.”
She threw her head back and laughed. “I hope we can just get her drunk and have her and Jasper elope.”
“From your lips to God's ears.”
“Till tomorrow, then?”
“Yes. Tomorrow.”
She left her last, soft kiss gently on my lips before slipping out of my grasp. She reached the bottom of the stairs and turned back to me.
“I'll be the one in white.”
I let out a soft laugh. “I'll be the one drooling at the sight of you.”
She laughed as she started ascending the stairs. “I love you.”
“Love you too. Don't let Alice get you too drunk.”
She stopped in the middle of the stairway.
“She told me something about giving you a few shots and was it okay.”
“You told her yes?”
“Just a couple, Bella. I'm sure that's nothing compared to what the boys have planned.”
“Then you take your own advice. Don't get so drunk that the reason you're drooling is because you have a major hangover.”
“I won't. Promise.”
She blew me a kiss before running up the rest of the stairs. Bella should have known better. Whatever the boys had planned, I knew I wouldn't let a drop of alcohol pass my lips. I wanted everything to be crystal clear when I saw my bride walking through the garden to our favorite spot.
A/N: Next chapter, wedding and wedding night. Any suggestions will be taken into consideration, except for Bella's wedding night apparel. I've already got it picked out. It's something that I might even wear myself. Can't wait to let you in on all the secrets.
Leaving you biting your tongues, Lindsey