aka Westboro Baptist Church. A FUCKING CHURCH.
This horrible website is praising God for the bridge collapse. They're saying that God is punishing us because we tolerate "Fags" and sin. "God hates fags and fag enablers! Ergo, God hates Minneapolis and Minnesota. Land of the sodomite damned"
These wreches are going to the funerals of the victims saying "We will picket the funerals of those whom the soverign God dropkicked from the bridge into Hell." YOU DON'T GO TO A FUNERAL TO PROTEST. YOU JUST DON'T. Keep your idiotic thoughts to yourself.
They seem to justify their way of thinking by saying that God loves the WORLD not the people in it. So, we are free to persecute and judge whomever we please because He does.
They thank God for AIDS, Katrina, Dead Soldiers...any tragedy that they can think of.
My neighbor and one of my dad's old co-workers died in this accident and I am absolutely flabbergasted that someone could think that this is a result of god's "hatred" for FAGS, GAYS, and SINNERS. I refuse to believe that they would be pawns in this sick and twisted theory.
I can't even think right now, My mind is reeling.