Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everybody!! =]

Jan 02, 2006 13:06

Hey everybody!..i know it's been a long time since i updated last..but my internet connection has been messing up lately...i have that Adelphia High Speed stuff...and i don't think i like it too much! lol... ANYWAYS..i know it's a little late for this..but..MERRY CHRISTMAS!!...i hope everyone had a GREAT one..i know i did!...and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!...i love starting a new year! me, new years means to START OVER and all that good stuff...just to put everything behind you and REALLY forgive and put everything in the the past. SO, that's what i've decided to, if i have EVER done anything to hurt anybodys feelings or anything, i am REALLY sorry. And, i forgive anyone who has ever done anything to me. I really do...and i'm not holding any grudges anymore. I'm sick of being mad or upset about stupid stuff that happened a long time ago..and i dont think anyone should live like that!...I'm letting go of it. i really am...and i hope everyone decides to do the same..u will be a much happier person...i promise! lol* <3
I can't believe that Christmas Break is already over!! seems so short! lol*...i've had SO much fun tho!!...i really have!...I spent the first few hours of Christmas with Cory's family...i have a few pics of that to put on here...i'll do that at the end of this entry*..I didnt get any pics with my family for some reason..i would post them if i did...My little brother Corey had a New Year's Eve/Birthday party! was SO much fun! brother had a few of his friends up..and Cory,Freeman,and Kelsey came up here for a little while..i didnt get any pics of it tho..that's tha bad thing about it. I wish i would have!..It was SO much fun...
But..i guess i'm gonna go wait for Cory to get home from practice! ya'll! <3
*i love YOU Cory Darnell!!*

*Me and Cory at his house on Christmas!*

*Cory's mom and sister*..they are SO pretty! =]

*Dawn and Brandon*

*Me and my baby!*

Welp..thas it for now..i'll post more later on!..
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