too cute not to share

Apr 18, 2006 20:27

So for those of you who may not know I nanny a 6 year old. He is just learning to write and LOVES doing it and his new favourite thing is writing notes. so i thought id share some of his "notes" to me cause they are so cute.

The first one I ever got was too perfect. I sent him upstairs to clean his room and stayed downstairs with the other kid. Well like 20 minutes later, this piece of paper comes flying down the stairs and this is what it says:

Der Lise I Dot Thik i Kan Do It I HOP I can Hav Sum (HU-lp) Lise I HOP MY HU-lp Wl cum susrle Benjamin

**translation:  Dear Lindsey, I don't think i can do it.  I hope I can hae some help.  Lindsey I hope my help will come.  Sincerely Benjamin

And then i got 2 more today  (he was sick today)

1. nrs Lise I Lic it how (you) gav me Sum (HL-UP) I hop YOU Lict my naot I hop you wil not mov for amlein yrs If you wot to ftd out how much i leve you giv me a naot and fid out Benjamin

**translation: Nurse Lindsey, I like it how you gave me some help.  I hope you liked my note.  I hope you will not move for a million years.  If you want to find out how much i love you give me a note and find out.  Benjamin

2. nrs Linse I Love you for (evr) and evr Lise it is et tat fun so you ur going too be a nrs wone day so wi not kuming too mi hus and (HL-PE) my get bdr benjamin

**translation:  Nurse Lindsey, I love you for ever and ever.  Lindsey isnt that fun?  You are going to be a nurse one day so why not coming to my house and help me get better.  Benjamin
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