Yesterday/Today's Word Count: 552 + 526 = 1078 words
Total Word Count So Far: 6066 words
OMG, I'm done with Part One. I think I'm going to pass out, dude. It needs some final revising before I'm comfortable letting it out of my hands, but OMG I want to just sheirk at the top of my lungs and collaspe in glee. I couldn't haven't gotten this far without my cheerleaders, my friends, ,my sisters from an another misters.
starr_falling, , and wolfmother8719. I love you guys, and I love how you supported me, even when I decided to go off the beaten path and do my own funky formatt of a script/prose hybrid. Jesus, I think this story will be the longest story that I have ever completed, like ever. Also I'm kinda I'm a douche for taking so long. I should of have been done three days ago, but yesterday's session I didn't turn off my internet, and predictably got caught up on facebook where I hang out the most with my fandom peeps. I have a tumblr, but I'm no longer on it at all anymore. Also this series, will premiere sometime hopefully this summer. So it's a while yet, but thanks to wolfmother8719 for all the great ideas. Now for the rest of the two weeks, I will be working on the last part of this story, before I start on the next story in the series. Also I found that blogging about my experiences actually helps me a lot, so stay tunned to a lot more of these short blogs and updates.