These are my snow covered dreams…this is me

Nov 17, 2006 00:50

She turned me into what I am today; she made me a better person. Not just mentally, but physically. I’ve got super strength and all the other shit, sure there’s the whole dealing with massive amounts of blinding pain during the change, but she keeps saying the pain will lessen, she never said it would stop, but then again I don’t imagine it ever stopping. I’m talking my bones are being broken and then becoming bigger and that shit fucking hurts. It almost makes me wish I was still dead. Almost. I’ve got Laurel though, as long as she’s on my side and has my back I’d deal with the pain and live with it.

She’s my everything. I never knew that one person could make me feel so good and make everything better. No matter what we have to deal with; as long as we’re together it will all work out. I honestly believe that. Till death do us part. We should get married, not that I need a ring on my finger to make me hers. I’m already hers… until I die.

That’s it!

Propose to her. That’s the new plan Lindsey, show her how much she means to you. Show her that you’ll cherish her until you die. You’ll do anything for her. Make her your wife.

I’m thinking it’s a great idea; except for the fact she probably thinks it’s a stupid human tradition, but that’s ok, I’m still going to give it a shot. I’ve got nothing to lose, she says no? Well that would definitely be a bad thing and I’d probably flip out and kill a lot of people, but what are the chances of that?

Pretty high actually. Remind her that you’re really human and that you’re nothing compared to her. Show her that you’re an idiot and you’re a love sick puppy. Show her that you need to be coddled and that you need a ring to show other people that she’s taken.

The inner thoughts here are killing me. I’m a loss of what to do. I wait until we’re back at the house and after some more sex we’re both exhausted and we both fall asleep.

I keep dreaming about proposing to her and sliding a ring onto her finger, I can see the ring perfectly in my dream, the way it fits onto her finger and the way it sparkles on her hand.

I wake up with an ear to ear grin. I look over to her and then lean over to kiss her bare shoulder, “I love you Laurel.” I say softly as I slide out of bed and pull the blankets up around her and then kiss her forehead again as I get dressed and then head out.

I manage to “talk” the driver into taking me to a jewelry store, he doesn’t seem to eager, but I let out a growl and give him a look to kill and he lowers his head and does as he’s told. Yeah, that’s right bitch! You’re my bitch! Ok, so he’s Laurel’s bitch, but he still listened like a good dog.

I walk into the jewelry shop and the man comes out from the back and offers to help me.

“Yeah, I’m looking for a specific engagement ring.” I say as I look over the cases and then finally see it, a gorgeous diamond ring with a diamond encrusted band; it’s exactly what I saw in my dream.

“That’s it.” I say as I point to the ring.

“Wow, that’s quite a nice ring. Great choice.” The man says as he opens the glass door and then takes it out and hands it to me.

I hold it up to the light and watch as it sparkles, it’s perfect.

I put the ring back in the box and then sniff to see if anyone else is around, I can’t pick up on anyone else. I lean over and grab the man by his collar and pull him over the counter as I throw him onto the ground letting out a growl.

I jump onto of him and then reach around his neck as I squeeze and then flick my wrist as his neck snaps. I stand up and dust myself off as I get up and then pick the box up and put it into my pocket.

Then I hear a familiar sound of a gun cocking.

I feel the bullets ram into my body, knocking me through the glass cases as I fall into the ground.

The landing knocks the wind out of me and it takes some time for me to get my bearings and back up on my feet as I let out a howl and then charge the man with the shotgun as I tackle him and then strangle him. I look down at my arm and see the veins beginning to pop out of my arm as the change starts. I take deep breathes and then stand up and walk to the camera and pull it out of the wall.

I walk into the back and pull the tapes out of the security unit and then walk out into the car, leaving a trail of blood. I crawl into the backseat of the car. The ride back to the house seems long, longer than normal.

I’m starting to sweat and maybe go into shock. I think the adrenaline is starting to run off. Finally I see the familiar landscape and the house.

You really fucked this one up Lindsey. Not only did you blow your secret you got shot. If word gets out you’re going to have to run. Don’t even bother bringing up the ring. She’s going to be so pissed off that you got into it with two humans and they got the better of you. Even if they had a gun and you didn’t know the second one was there. Great way to remind her that you’re a weak link for her.

I look at the guy as he opens the door. “You’ll be sure to keep your mouth shut and clean the fucking car, I don’t want to smell any blood in there.” I snap as I walk towards the house, holding my gut as I feel the wet sticky substance between my fingers. I know I’m losing a lot of blood, but more importantly I need to get the pieces of metal out, damn shot guns.

I walk in and then head towards our room, but then decide it’s a bad idea. There’s no need to worry Laurel. No reason to wake her up and show her how I fucked up. I can fix this. Go back and burn the jewelry store, just as soon as I finish taking care of the holes in my body.

I move as quietly as possible towards the other side of the house and then find a bathroom and stumble into it, coughing into the sink and letting more blood out. I really should be clotting or something, that’s what it’s called right? When the blood starts to scab so you don’t bleed to death? Is that what it is? I’m losing my mind, too much blood loss.

I take my clothes off and then move to lay down in the tub, it makes for easier clean-up later. I look at the fragments in my stomach and then bite down on my belt as I stick two fingers into the open wound and pull out a piece of metal. I throw it into the trash.

Holy shit, this is bad. Really bad, holy fucking shit. God fuck…

I let out a scream as I slide my fingers into my gut again, I can feel my intestines or something, I push them back to where I think they belong as I grab another piece of metal and then decide it’s time to rest. A little nap, I’ll take the rest out when I wake up. That’s it…great idea.

Everything fades so easily...

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