Aug 30, 2005 18:00
So I am officially a college student. I’ve been to all my classes and I’ve met all my professors.
Aerobics is gonna be really easy. Its not even for a grade- its just a pass or no pass. Im only taking it because I needed the credit and I don’t want to gain the dreaded “freshman 15” :-o
Spanish may be a little challenging, but it wont be too bad. My teacher speaks in Spanish the whole time, but for the most part I can catch what shes saying- which is good.
Math is hopefully gonna stay really easy. The first class was a breeze- but Im glad Im taking it because I really do need a math review since I haven’t taken any math classes since Junior year. So hopefully that class will be an easy A. :D
WRA on the other hand is gonna be a pain in my ass. Omg. I like the professor a lot- hes totally nuts, and its great- but I can tell Im gonna hate that class. I am NOT a writer, and Im not gonna like writing papers every week. Its gonna be my most challenging class- Thank God I only have it twice a week. Today we had to write an essay before we left class and we have a paper due on Thursday- ARGH. Plus I hafta have a book read by next Thursday and theres a few other things I need to do too, but I don’t remember what they are at the moment.
So anyway- here’s my weekly schedule if you were interested to know:
KIN 103- 9:10 - 10:00am
SPN 201- 1:50 - 2:40pm
MTH 1825- 5:00- 6:20pm
WRA 150- 10:20- 12:10
SPN 201- 1:50- 2:40
KIN 103 - 9:10 - 10:00am
MTH 1825- 5:00- 6:20 pm
WRA 150- 10:20- 12:10
SPN 201- 1:50- 2:40
SPN 201- 1:50- 2:40
Yep- so that’s the schedule
Ps. Krista and I have moved our dorm room around 3 times- the futon got here yesterday, so we rearranged a bit today- and we'll probably do it again soon- we’re bound and determined to make it look sa-weet. People should come visit me :o) Thanks to those that already have- you can never have enough visitors and you’re always welcome here. J
Pps - I need to learn to go to SLEEP at a decent hour