Aug 07, 2005 17:57
Hola Married life seems to be going well its the same as before only a little different. I have just now realized that I'm quite the procrastonator and this is a far worse ordeal than I could have ever imagened. See when I was younger just starting out on my own I was clueless I knew better but still would be late on bills and then on a few occations forgot to pay. well now this is bad because My husband and I would like to purchase our own home and one procrastonator is bad but you put two together and well you end up with zero credit between the pair and well lots of dreams but little actions to further the process thus prolonging the eneveitable that we will just continue to waste all of our hard earned money on a freaking rental house. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR So I guess here it is the time has truely come when I must....Grow the fuck up!!! I guess in a way I am afraid I mean when your a kid and you still have your parents to fall back on it kinda doesn't set in but now I'm ready to start my own family and all that but I want more than anything to start out on the right foot. Alright I am done later!!!