Jun 23, 2005 21:13
B - Band listening to right now: Gavin DeGraw
C -Car: 91' Buick LeSabre bitches aka Big Betty Blue
D - Dad's name: Dan
E - Easiest person(s) to talk to: Marki
F - Favorite musical artists at the moment: Mariah Carey, Gavin DeGraw, and my Ghetto Rap- 50 Cent and Lloyd Banks :)
G - Gummy bears or gummy worms: gummy bears
H - Hometown: Kendall, New York...better known as paradise.
I - Injuries: Muscle-Ligament Separation in my shoulder and Ankle problems from soccer, and my personal favorite- tearing my ACL and meniscus in basketball this year.
K - Kids: well I have 3- Billy-Bob, Marla, Bubba. lol I'm no baby mama! But I give credit to people who are.
L - Longest car ride ever: 10 hours when I was in Australia
M - Mom's name: Sandy
N - Nicknames: Linds, Linda, Linda-is-gay Gay-is-her
O - One wish: I wish that I could be with who I want to be with.
P - Phobia[s]: being unsuccessful, and the dark :(
Q -Quote: "You bet your Bippy"- Mrs.Warren, and "Get the heck outta' Dallas!" - Mr.Baldwin
R - Reason to smile: my friends..music..tangents with Marki..parties..Get Low..Just a lil' bit..fat dog..water wars..I think my friends and I smile and laugh more than any people I know..so there are a million and ten reasons for me to smile.
S - Song you sang last: Chariot
T - Time you woke up [today]: 6:45
U - Unknown fact about me: When I know something bad or embarrassing is going to happen to a character on TV or in a movie I won't watch it.
V - Vegetable you hate: Lima Beans= the most disgusting thing ever put on this planet.
W - Worst habit(s): hmmm....saying "like" without realizing it..and not being able to keep my hair down for more than an hour.
X - X-rays you've had: one for my wrist when I was 12 or something.
Y - Yummy food: the school's wraps, and anything Italian.
Z-Zodiac Sign: Picese