Oct 13, 2005 00:37
I finally got hungry enough, and not for peanut butter crackers, that I decided to go to the store.
This is how things went...
It's under 55 degrees here and raining, which means to my Phoenician body, it's fucking cold!
So, I put on a teeshirt, and then a sweater, and then my hoodie.
And jeans.
And boots. That go almost up to my knee.
Umbrella. And I was out the door.
And you know what, it was GREAT!
The air was a bit chilly on my umbrella hand, and I could see my breath in the air.
The rain was beautiful and felt really refreshing, well at least it seemed that it would feel refreshing had I felt it and not been under an umbrella. And had it not been so cold.
But it did make the streets and the city look nice and sparkly.
I am excited for winter!
(ask me again in February and I will tell you how I really feel)