Oct 15, 2007 21:42
Two months exactly until I am a college graduate!
So how are you guys? It's been forever. I'm sorry I don't visit more, but most of you get phone calls of the ranting nature from me on a weekly basis, so I don't feel the need to repeat my frustration with certain classes online in text form for the world to read.
Just suffice it to say that on a weekly basis I usually have about 6 different deadlines floating around my pretty brown head, not to mention the ever present work on my short-story whose workshop is approaching and the accompanying writer's block that is currently plaguing me; Mondays are catch up on everything involving homework days, Tuesdays and Wednesdays are excrutiatingly long because of Contraband deadlines, writing classes and more assignments and deadlines. Thursdays are writing days with Bible Study and The Office, even if it kills me, I am burnt out by Friday but try to get work done anyway because I have football games on Saturday (Go Cowboys), Sundays are spent churching, teaching Sunday School to ten 4th and 5th graders napping, watching pro football and trying to forget about looming deadlines, and then getting pissed off that they still exist by Monday morning and I am starting all over again.
And I am still in the worst group in my tennis class. I am in the resource group. But I am getting better, and think I am good enough to actually play games that involve hitting the ball back and forth at least 5 times. This is a huge deal.
In other news that is more awesome, I have a phone interview with Pfizer Inc sometime this week to talk about a position as a Sales Rep. I researched the company earlier tonight and the benefits are freaking awesome because they are the biggest pharmaceutical company in the nation. There are job opportunities literally EVERYWHERE I have ever even considered living in the country. Which is awesome. I have lots of questions for my interviewer when we get to talk. I've never really been interested in medicine and such, but if it's a good job offer and they train me to speak medical speak, then I am confident that I can get the job done. I have been trained for the past 6 years to communicate effictively. I can pwn it if I want to. So we'll see. Everyone pray about that. If it works out, then it works out. I'm finally ok with whatever in the world God wants because frankly, I'm kind of tired of thinking about it and trying so hard to line up my life the way I've always envisioned it. It's just going to happen, and I'm just going to let it.
And I am probably going to Figi and/or Ireland after Christmas, pending possible job ops. Therefore I'm planning on taking scuba diving lessons in Lake Charles. I go to my intro class next Monday and decide from there if I want to get certified.
Now if I can only get rid of this writer's block...