Where have I been

Apr 16, 2008 10:39

I have been busy.....

We got our house.....in a suburb of St.Paul, MN.....and I got a furbaby for xmas......my hubby got me a puppy.  she is a golden retriever named lola and she is adorable, a stinker, but adorable.  She is already 5 months old and we love her!!!!

So much has been going on.

I got a promotion at work.  I am an Aquatics Director for the YMCA, and have recently been put in charge of Water Fitness for the entire Minneapolis and St. Paul Associations (25 locations)  It is a lot of work, but fun.  I am also going to become a trainer for the SCW fitness company for Water in Motion....I am so exciting.

Our house is wonderful.  Many times this winter Christian and I wondered how we ever survived in an apartment for so long.  It is so nice to have a home of our own.  My current project is the kitchen......I am thinking a wine theme so if anyone has any ideas, please share.

We are still working on the baby of our own.....we have been trying for 1 year now with no luck....if anyone has advice or words of wisdom let me know......

On another front there is some exciting news.  Christian's father owns hos own business.  When he took the company over about 10 years ago, it was in 1-2 million dollar debt.  Recently a firm in Chicago has shown interest in pourchasing the company from my FIL, and an offer of 15 million dollars was put on the table !!!!!!  Plus my FIL would stay as COO of the company with a 200,000 a year salary!!!!  If he decides to sell, he told DH that we would never have to worry about money ever again.  I am blown away.  Christian has asked me not to say anything to anyone about this at this time, not even my parents...it has been killing me.   This type of thing just does not happen to normal people......I cannot even imagine a life without a mortgage, school loan bills, debt......

Christian's father should make the decision in the next week and we may be flying to New Mexico to meet with lawyers soon....

Fill me in on your news...... :)

life, love, i am back, puppy, house

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