(no subject)

Jul 02, 2005 18:02

whats going on mothing to much here just dyeing my hair right now OMGosh the die always makes my head itchn ERRRR i:) o well but anyway nothings been up lately.... judy nad duane leaving tomorrow way in the night like 3 or 4am monday morning so.... her and duane are at the daytona 400 right now so..... summer caap is in 8 days i cant wait!!! :):):):) im so excited!! but yea so.... we went and got cortney stuff for the baby so... that was much fun!! she better have a girl!! lol :)
church all day were having some party thingy at a ball park or somthing so basically church all day then Monday ::
monday morning judy and duane leaving then to my moms friend house mon the whole day :( then the fire works later that night :)
ummmm nothing ill be ungrounded but devorice recovery so gonna be at the church while my moms at that then out to eat and thats about it
church lol again and then ..... nothing
Thursday nothing
Fri nothing
packing for summer camp the next day
levaing for summer camp!!!!! :):):):) cant wait
so thats my week if you wanna do anything comment or you have the digits!
anyway so torri and angela if you guys come over thursday we can make a super dupper movies lol :):):):)just an idea!! wow so last night i did this quiz and it was the 377 question quiz and i went to paste it in my LJ and it was to big!!! errr it took me and 1 hour and a half to do it to.... errrr but yea so its been borning being grounded but it was only for one week so thats fine i painting me torris and lindsays legs with baby blue wall paint is why i got grounded lol fun times but anyway **Angela** i wanna change my layout but i dont know how i have this cute thing so will you help me change it when you come over or tell me how to do it?? please and thank you lol XoOx so me and alyssa are good wow that was a stupid fight but you know what it started because of hannah!!! :/ see i told you guys but o well nobody ever listens to me :( so i think im gonna go i have to wash the die out of my hair ewwww it itches lol XoOx

<3 leave them B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L Comments!! :) <3
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