Jun 21, 2005 15:30
hey hey hey whats up ??? nothing much just sitting here well i found out that we are going to summer camp!!! YEAH!!! im so happy its gonna be like another chill out!! lol its gonna be so much fun! but anyway so i havent been up to much lately so fathers day was sunday 2 days ago and it was really borning like at church everybody was just like o i love my dad and dad your the best and dads are so good and just all this stuff and it just makes me so ....... because i dont have a dad and so it was just a depressing day so i adopted danny as my dad! i wrote him a thingy and we gave him a card and yea it was all good! so and the dads dinner was on sat night was it was cool dannys girls went on stage and alyson said all the 10 comandments it was so cool shes only 6 so after the dinner thing i went up to the girls and i was like good job on stage and i was holding robin talking to her and i was like your bday coming up july 20 and she was like yea and we got kristen this light up tigger pen for her bday with some other stuff and robin was telling me that she wants a like up piglet pen and she was like and it HAS to light up and it HAS to have piglet on it you know piglet from winnie the pooh it was so cute so yea i havent been up to much just been sitting around lately doing nothing ive been realy tired and not feeling like i wanna do anything but any way so that whats ive been up to lately so mollys getting my the notebook dvd for my baday i hope lol i cant wait it was on starz on the demand channles the other night i was so happy lol so i got to watch it it was cool but im gonna go really bored and dont feel like typing OMg it was so funny last night i bribed heather i cleaned her room so that i oculd sit in the front seat till july 23 lol it was so funny and her room wasnt even that messy so im happy lol but im gonna go ..... XoOx
* * - Lindsay - * *