Aug 08, 2006 00:27
the days are long. i guess that's summer for you though. the good news is that it is finally cooling down and i dont have to bathe in spf40 sunblock twice a day. i always feel disgusting and sticky when i have to wear sunblock and im always worried that i'll sweat and the sunblock will drip into my eyes. this is not likely to occur but, you know, it could. maybe.
in less interesting news (not that the previous paragraph was interesting in the first place) i got 4 tins. two cocacola ones and two campbells (i collect crap like that so it is interesting to me). I don't know what else to say. everything smelt like perfume today. It was kind of a flower/fruit smell every place I ventured...although I didnt really venture too far. Did anyone else smell flower/fruit?
some days everything smells like bacon. I remember my old dentists gloves used to smell like uncooked hotdogs. that was gross...he also decorated his office with clowns in hot air balloons. I dont know why i remember all this. too bad i cant remember his name. my guess is that is was something like dr. robinson but it probably wasnt anything remotely close to that. I need a new doctor too. I've had mine far too long and i find it weird that she's known me since I was a little kid.
Anyhow, this has all been a tad random. have a fantastic august people.