(no subject)

Sep 24, 2004 23:09

i think i left off at wenesday so thursday was an okay day i guess. i got stuck in traffic and then had to take the grad exam which ended taking 3 whole hours and i finished within about and hour and a half. from there we went to the second half of third which was good and then to fourth which i dont really like because none of my friends are in that class but im starting to make news ones and its turning into a fun class. i love coach smith he is awesome. went to lunch and then to choir for the second time in a day and then to mrs. dukes class which was fun bc we did a whole lot of nothing but read and then we "chilled" the last twenty minutes and then it was off to colorguard practice. we got done at about 530 i think.

so today. was a WONDERFUL day. i got to school at the perfect time. put out my secret sis present and then went to my locker and then to first. 3rd was fun bc i actually studied for the test and i think i did really good and that is the best class of my day. one, because alison is in there and we have some good laughs with cavott(sp.?). then i had bioloy and another test i studied for and i think i did okay. so lunch and choir were usual and then in mrs. dukes class we had a sub and i got to take my test and leave and then we got ready for the pep rally.i love those things.

pep rally was cool i got kinda tired and hott but then 7th we went to E wing and got dressed and got to walk around the school with our whole lot of makeup on and then kelseys mom bought the colorguard pizza so we ate and i was kinda in a bad mood all of the sudden so i decided to go play the drums. alot of people seemed to be amazed at the fact that im a girl and i play the drums bc people kept walking in and giving me looks and were like your playing the drums... and your a girl. i found it kinda funny. so then this annoying kid took the drum sticks away from me so i sat down and played the guitar and i was playing the friends forever grad song which reminded me of my old friends at valley and how i was going to get to see them so i got all happy and pumped and then they took the drum sticks away for good so i didnt get to play anymore but i didnt really mind all that much.

(time for some randomness) i love music. to like an extent i cant even explain and no matter what it makes me so happy bc i could be in the worst mood and be really mad or upset and i just sit down and just let it all out on the drums or when im stressed out or feel bad i play the guitar and it just relaxes me and makes me feel good. i guess its the fact that i have grown up around music and danced all my life and sang all my life. i grew up around the drums and i taught myself how to play the piano kinda and then guitar is just somehthing i wouldnt be able to live without. it helps so incredibly much and music has the same affect on me even if im listening to it especially in the car. i dont know. all i can say is i absolutely love music and without it i wouldnt be where i am now in my life. and it has helped me get alot closer to god. bc its something i do with all my faith in him. so yes music is important. love it. and i love guys who the guitar or sing or do both. if you do both you are just...wonderful in my book! haha.

so the music and all brings me to tonights game. we got on the bus and had a kinda dull ride there but when we got there i saw alot peole and i handed out the feathery things for the band hats and then we marched in and the drumline sat right behind us. it was freaking awesome i would give anything for them to sit behind us everynight. well they kept breaking drumsticks and people were collecting them. yeha well i got a half of nick cox's it was really cool and the drumline poured water on there hair and shook there heads and made it "rain" oh goodness i didnt even watch the game bc i was having such a good time with drumnline and danceline and the rest of guard and it was just so cool to be at valley i dont know why but it was.

so the bus ride home was freaking awesome.our bus was air conditioned and i sat with alison, micheal, and jay and let me tell ya those are some way cool kids we laughed so hard and had some good times i wish it would have been like a two hour drive. then we got back to the school and we had to say our goodbyes and then me and kelsey and my mom went to krystals and then came home.

i think there is only one way to describe tonight.
"the perfect night"

i love you guys and you are awesome. stay safe and have a great weekend. call me if you want to do something.

oh yeah if chris maddox is out there im going to need a drum stick with your signature before a very nice girl by the name of kelsey wood kills stefanie russell for the broken drum stick that you gave stefanie that kelsey wanted more than anything. so yeah if your out there could you help me out and sign a drumstick for her?

( i love you miss kelsey ! ha)

night guys. comment <3
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