(no subject)

Aug 23, 2005 00:22

dude i'm goooooooood i'm goooooooooood.

i'm going to break the record of gayness and be happy for once in my goddamn journal. not ohh pity party for lindsay because shes single EW NOOOO. not here. i usually am quite happy excpet when i go to write in this thing.

Well here is a normal i am happy update.

Lover and i went downriver for the weekend i mewt her awesomely awesome richter fam and we had a grand old time. My mama did my room while i was away so it was spongepainted and changed when i came home. I LIIIIKE IT!@

Babysat today. Summer school is a funny movie. Burnouts from the 80's are life.! I also went shopping and got jeans YESS and an ugly skirt x10 and a matching ugly shirt to go to my ugly cousins wedding ehh hahahaa. blahg. Lover and i got dessert and junped on the tramp i suck on the ground but on those springs i come to life kirtsa michele richter keeps me sane people. u all suck excpet her. except for a few but mostly YEAH

wingdings is the language of loove=)

i'm weird and i'm out

What it all comes down to
Is that everything´s gonna be fine fine fine
I´ve got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is giving a high five

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