c'mon c'mon

Aug 24, 2006 01:11

ummm...I'm moving tomorrow. for real.

Here is something I hate:the feeling of unlived-in houses. really hate it, makes me really uncomforatable and ...well mostly uncomforatable and unhappy. mmkay. oh well. who wants to come help decide where all the furniture is going to go?!? yeah good times. last post from this house...last night in this neighboorhood..last...hmm yeah. this house has a lot of memories...good and bad. time to make new ones.
work is now much farther away (but they made me an AT today with equals more money cause its a better position to be in. the first time i've actually liked panera in a long time. i was in a very bubbly help customers as much as i could mood) but there are some lovely friends of mine who are much closer. 
I timed it today as I was going from the condo to work: approx. 2 mins to anna's and 5 to abby's. huzzah!
my dog chased our across the street neighbor's cat 
(his name is oreo. I have cat-sit for them in the past. they treat that cat like a queen and pay mucho to have her treated and taken care of as such. yeah, my dog doesn't go to see a professional animal acupuncturist every other week, does you furry friend?) all the way to amherst today. which isn't actually that big a deal cause amherst is two segundos away.

I hate it when people can't deal with their issues. it pains me to see it happen like this, but I have to take matters into my own hands. its been going on for too long and something has to change. It pains me to see it dealt with like this.
Will I still have my sanity in the end? Screw that, sanity is a relative term.
I was listening to the song 'Do What You Want' to day in the car, and decided that I really want to do what I want. At the moment I wanted to have a dance party. I still want to have a dance party. that would be swell. and Damian Kulash was on the Colbert Report tonight. I love that. I love him. I love that he went to Brown.

40 Walnut Circle
in case you wanted to know. The purpose of the lj cuts are to make this entry shorter. not even that its long, I just wanted it to be shorter so one could read it while skimming. now I think they are just annoying.
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