Nov 26, 2005 14:18
erm...thanksgiving...holidays...we don't talk about them.
its just really hard to pretend things are normal when by no means are they even close to it. its just wierd to think back and remember that this time last year we were living out of the car or a hotel if we could afford it or someone else's house if anyone was kind enough to take us in for a couple of days.
The third (yes third because my dad is an ass and won't agree to anything) pre-trial (not even the fucking trial) is the 6th. its so strange knowing that I'll have to testify against my dad. I mean yeah I'm bitter beyond anything because of what he's done to us but he is still my dad. I may not have spoken to him in a year, but he is still my dad.
I don't even know.
well anyways, I made all-state this year. I am really happy with my score and really overall excited about it. I get to perform with some of the state's best musicians. I don't know about you, but I think thats pretty awesome.
tech week. boo. I have so many costumes to make. I took all of next week off from work (gah, that is bad) because I need to get it together. But I really need the money from work. WE really need the money. ugh I feel so guilty.
speaking of Panera, I gotta go do that.