HaPpY BElAtEd V-DaY:-)

Feb 15, 2005 10:23

happy belated valentine's day everyone:-)<3<3 i love u all xoxoxoxoxoxox God showed his love for all of us by making school be cancelled.

...whoa I just sounded way religious^. and I am o so not..I dont go to church alot, can't help it. My mom just never took us. jesus is still my homeboy tho=)

well, thumbs up to this weekend8-) friday was the game-great game, we lost tho:-/ went with katie to meijer, got my daddy some pj pants (to cover himself up when he craps his pants,lol)and a shirt. saturday was great-had our sweetheart tourney( katie e, dague, becky,jen..all u girls:I missed ya:-() i thought we played really well, and I KiLlED tHE bALL, whoopity whoop. in volleyball, i am what is known as a "defensive specialist", which means i bump the ball, not spike it. but this weekend I spiked it and it was cool. gimme the ball, I\ll kill it like i kill them thugs in the streets.

ok now I sound ghetto.lol

so then after the tourney, me and katie came home, showered it up, then went to outback for my dads birthday. saw my aunt robin uncle mike and my cousin john.gotta love them mashed potatoes at the outback..and we got a free dessert for having an overcooked steak after the douchey waiter said "here at outback, we cook it right, every time." haha those words bit him in the ass and got me a free chocolate thunder from down under sundae8-) after outback, went to grandpas and my dad opened his presents. then came to my house, where i left for the dance and katie left for bowling. the dance was alot of fun, cept they didnt play white t for me and my vball girls:-/ all well, had good times. tony k taught me the chicken dance, the CoRrEcT way,lol. then after the dance, called up katie, and went to her house with nichole, jess, courterz and katie.watched the movie pumpkin, but i fell asleep soon. me jess and court all talked in our sleep,lol.

sunday was working on broadcasting project with ry ry chad seth courterz schanyerz manderz and kel. very fun, we ordered pizza and made the video-took us 6 hours to do the dayum thang and we had to go to kel's to finish..but it is a funny and good video-we're watchin em today. my cat is in the first scene jabbing, cuz she will literally jab you,like kitty punch you. during our video we sent her to the pussy prison,hahaha. pussy prison=laundry room.

ok now i sound like i am obsessed with my cat. im not, i schwear.

yesterday was valentine's day<3it was definately a good one. today i sent emily a flower for being my vball buddy and she really liked it. mark got me a yellow flower today too, very perrrdy. we had practice last night and made stuff for parents night. me and katie were sitting in dora the explorer and hear our you've lost that lovin feelin song:-) sung it at the top of our lungs,i was laughin my loud laugh8-) tonight im stayin up at the school, goin to subway and sharing chicken teryiaki with coley like usual.

ok now I sound like I am done writing in here today.
because I am;-)

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