I have been closely following everything at CERN with the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) for quite some time. My friend and I have had many geeky talks on it and he just linked me to this:
http://lhc-concern.info/?page_id=28 That makes me want to vomit.
Really, after ALL that effort. Billions of dollars, thousands of scientists from all around the world coming together and mobilizing to actually bring this to fruition. It's absolutely amazing what is about to start happening tomorrow morning, virtually everyone in the scientific community is anxiously awaiting the findings... and then I read about THIS? What IS it with people, how egocentric and ignorant can we be?
Of all the things in the world to be worried about, this group chooses an effort such as this. And only because it has garnered so much attention and it's one of those once-in-a-lifetime things that this generation will be witness to. It's literally a shocker and the possibility of uncertainty still bothers people moreso than the terrible things in life that are certain. One of those is death.
But what I mean is, there are so many things that we as humans have done in the name of destruction that are certainly and factually terrible. We have created killing machines, atomic weaponry, chemical agents that have killed hundreds and thousands of innocent people. This country owns over 10,000 nuclear warheads. Our so-called president thinks nuclear power is great. We spill millions of gallons of crude oil into oceans each year, our pollution is coming back to haunt us. Say what you will on global climate change, but things are happening around us at an alarming rate. Biodiversity is dwindling along with our glaciers.... I could go on for years..
and yet there exists a group of people who are more concerned with such a tremendous large-scale scientific effort in the name of discovery. There might be a possibility of microscopic black holes being produced that radiate at the Eddington limit, you say Plaga? Well fucking bring it on. Life is precious and we are ALL going to die, and this might sound horrible and pessimistic but I'll say it being well aware of the risk - I'm actually surprised that we all haven't been eliminated by one of our own terrible creations yet. I would revel in the ironic delight if the way we got taken out was due to the LHC creating a black-hole. I would love it if we got taken out by one of our scientific creations made for the need to discover, rather than one of our creations made for the need to destroy. I would laugh my ass off.
There's no way this group is going to stop such a large scale event. I cannot wait for tomorrow and the results that will follow in the years to come. Multi-universes galore!
On that note, my FAVORITE video ever.
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