Apr 19, 2005 07:46
It is Tuesday morning and I am really tired. I didn't fall asleep until 10 and then woke up at 5 and had planned to go jogging but ended up going back to bed for an hour. I will ride the exercise bike later on. I had my interview at AMC last night. It was a group interview with a lot of kids and I think I probably got hired. I answered questions well and the boss seemed to like me. I guess I'll find out in the next couple of days. School is going fine...I have training today to be an Ignite mentor! Ignite is a program at my school that grades 10-12 can participate in. They are basically mentors to the freshman. :) Sarah is being so annoying. She is ditching school to hang out with her boyfriend and she is pissing everyone off who has group projects to do with her. Allie is going to call her house and pose as someone from the school and give her a warning. LOL Anyways, that is all for now.