Nov 03, 2005 23:24
i realize this is public. but i want people to read this. i wrote it myself. anyone can comment even if i dont know you. (this may lead to some of those old, mean anonymous comments but whatever). read and enjoy.
life has a funny way of working itself out. dont live in the moment. see the big picture. dont look to the past for questions, look to the future for answers. dont let stupid fights that lasted for an hour, ruin friendships that lasted for years. we wont look back and think of that one day we were mad, we will look back and the good times will shine. and lastly remember that just because all the good times are in the photo albums, doesnt mean we forget the lessons we learn from the bad times that got us to the good ones. live life as if its your last day, be comfortable with yourself, and have a good time.
-signed, sincerely, me.
peace ♥ linds
ps: i am not fighting with my friends anymore. i wont delete the entries below because it is what i felt at the time. on the other hand know that i no longer feel that way.