Almost the weekend!!

Oct 20, 2004 10:34

I only have two more classes and then I get to start another exciting weekend. I REALLY need to do something this weekend, like with my girls, but of course this is like the only weekend Ian has off in like 3 months. Great. Oh well, I never really see him that much anyways anymore. I NEVER see my friends though. I think the last time I did something with my friends, outside of school, was maybe like 2 months ago. How sad is that? If you guessed very, you are right. I have no life, it sucks.

Anyways, my sister and nephew woke up this morning with the flu. That's all I need right now, another reason to sit on my ass all weekend if I get it. I'm going to be extremelly pissed if I get it. And now Ian says he thinks he's getting sick. I need to stay away from home, and if Ian is sick, away from him too. Yeah, that's easier said than done. That right there is all I do: Home and Ian. Okay that sounded a bit weird, but you know what I mean.

So, I'm actually making a lot of new friends at school. That is something I never really did at Central. There's these three girls in my Abnormal Psychology class that are really cool. It's kinda weird, because we all just sat by each other, and now we always talk to each other. One of the girls I really like, she's got the same personality as me. Everywhere I go, she's there. Which is kind of cool, because that way I'm not always bored, and I have someone to talk to. Except for Monday when I went to the Library to study for an exam I had in an hour and a half, and she was there. As you can guess, I never really ended up studying, we just talked the whole time. I really think I failed that test, but oh well life goes on.

In my Sociology class, there are these 2 girls that practically fight over who's going to sit by me. Each day they try to get there early so the other girl doesn't take their seat. They said that I entertain them, and it makes class go by faster. I guess there's sometimes a plus for being a dumbass, eh?

I still miss my friends a lot though. I see Jenny and Vicki in our interpersonal communication class on Mondays and Wednesdays, and that's usually when we catch up on what's going on in our lifes. But, other than that, I am completely out of the loop. And I understand that it's partly my fault. That's one thing I miss about Central. I miss having my friends only being a short walking distance away, and just sitting around and talking, or watching movies. I miss having roommates, because there was always someone there to talk to, or someone to hang out with. I sometimes regret leaving, and wonder how different my life would be if I would have stayed. Would Ian and I still be together? Would I still have the same friends? I don't know. Nat if you're reading this, let me know if you are going to Central, because I really want to go with you. It'd be just like old times! And Steph, you better be there, because I want to see you!!

I suppose I should be off to class now.
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