Mar 05, 2008 03:30
I just came back from working 10 exhausted but I feel like writing lol
Victoria's secret is not my favorite place... ive been counting EVERYTHING we own in the store....adding it all up and then jotting it down on little yellow post-its!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WENT INSANE BELIEVE ME lol i never want to fold another panty ever again....or do math lmao or see those stupid post-its lol
FYI i just took my shoes off and my feet smell.. lmao just thought I would let everyone know :-)
i think i lost count in the middle of sorting out inventory like about ohh i dont know a million times. the freakin alarm kept going off too so that wasnt helping lol we threw pens at the didnt make the alarm stop but it helped with our frustration...then my manager did a cartwheel in the middle of the mall while the rest of us frollocked around her lmao ...................we were tired......annoyed...and hot....we needed a way to just let out our frustrations lol
that has been my day. and im probly not gonna be able to sleep until a really long time because thats what happens to me alllllll the tired at the place i am but when i get home.. i cant get to sleep and end up watching movies or nick at night until about 5AM.
im gonna getting diliusional and typing is a real struggle.
<3 Linds