Jul 24, 2007 21:22
I finished the last Potter book yesterday. It was unreasonable late considering I've had it since the night to Saturday, (yes, I stood in a line waiting for it at 01.01. it took one hour and was the only way I could get it before Monday so it was worth it. yes, I'm probably deranged.), but that's what work does to you!
I'm glad the series has come to an end and disappointed that it came to in this fashion. I think she cuts corners, writes sloppier and there are holes in the story that probably has a good explanation to them, but we're not getting it. It's the last book for crying out loud! Give us the full story!
I'm also annoyed at the many ways she finds for Potter to be whining. If it's not one thing it's the other. And all the over-explaining of peoples feelings... If it's good writing you'll get it anyway.
But aside from my complaining I loved it as part of the series. I love the books and everything they have meant for childrens books. I will read whatever she writes in the future, but I hope it's moore from the same universe.
Thank you Rowlings, it's been nice knowing them all.