Mar 05, 2010 18:46
I feel reluctant to post unless I have something to say about my writing or some really good links that I want to share, all the other stuff just get lost on the way to a post somehow. I get the feeling that I'm wasting space when I'm trying to stay in touch. I mean, I know just how much I'm looking forward to hear from my friends all over the world, even if it's about food or dogs or work or family or music or anything really. But when I've missed a few days of my own posting I feel the need to be _profound_ and to part with _important news_ or something. Silly me.
So, I'm sorry if anybody thought that I posted too seldom and only about stuff that they didn't find interesting. I'll try to be more constant (if not more interesting).
I guess Debutantbloggen (where I'm talking exclusivly about the first book-experience) takes up a little of my concentration as well. And the store's blog as well. I've tried twitter (same nick as here) but I find facebook more rewarding (longer statusupdates, keeps the comments under the update that is the topic, separate responses and updates in the feed) even if it means that I only get to connect with the ones that I know personally. But I won't end my account, so there's hope yet.
I did a vanity google search today and found out that one of the smaller libraries around here have ordered my book and placed it in the catalogue even if it's not out yet. It made me blushingly happy! Somebody out there had gone to their library and asked them to get Udda verklighet in. They'd made an effort to get my book. At a library! I might have to high an opinion of libraries, but for me it's a matter of validation. If my book's in libraries I'm an author. And now I have one.
I've promised myself that I'll only do this kind of searches now, before the book is out, and that I won't do them often. Too much of me isn't good for my soul.
And speaking of 'much of me' - I'm going to hold a talk at the big book fair in September. About kick-ass fantasy chick-lit. Me and Cap'n will do it together. I might be part of a talk about the new imprint as well. And in October I'll hold a small talk in a town called Gnosjö, about my book and about fantasy in Sweden. Oh, and I'll be part of a talk in Lund on March 27th, about Lunds Universitets Författarskola (the course I took at Uni in creative writing) and about my debut.
I better sit down and fan myself a little, I get so excited!
udda verklighet,
it's my genre and i'm sticking to it!,