this was supposed to be last night, studpid Journal

Nov 10, 2004 15:38

so LJ was being stupid last night so i had to save this in word.. but here it goes:

1) This lil quote is for Emily, because i think it might help you like it helped me, in the fact that inspired much thought..."Never miss a person from your past..because there is a reason they never made it to your future!" Hmmmm!! interesting to think about isn't it!! I'm so glad that you are in my future because now was are part of a wonderful sisterhood, and its awesome, i love you emm!

Ok sorry bout that, had to do it for my girl!BFF hehe.

2)Today was a bitch, mostly because tuesdays suck but whatev! Then there was greek sing which is slowly becoming a bigger pain in my booty but it;ll be fun!

3)to my big sister! I love you! You are the greatest, and i am so lucky to have such a fantastic big sister who loves her peapod sooo much! I want you to know that i wouldn't want anyone else as my big and you are an amazing, bright, and beautiful girl!! LOVE YOU POD and i hope we are friends forever!

4)I miss my mommy...real sisters and bro, be nice to mom, and send me more mail! again i miss my mommy.

5)OMG my Deb ball is really soon! It's gonna be wicked fun ( yes i said wicked, blame Caitlin, its all her fault, stupid school with zillions of people from new england! Damnit)

6)Megan is trying to "push the envelope" on her deb ball outfit, I CANT WAIT! Love you Meggers!! Missin you!!

7)SNAPS again for Megan who is now a MANAGER! wow, you sound so grown up! Cant wait til i get to help you move into your own place one day soon!! hehe STILL LOVE AND MISS!

8) I'm doin it, im dying my hair brown! tis going to be sweet! Atleast Jeremy thinks so!

9) My boyfriend is fabulous, everyone should have a boyfriend like him, he is my greatest fan, and he even brings me soup and bagel when i have a lot of reading to catch up on! He is definatly a Tier 1 guys :-D Sigma Phi Epsilon boys are the very best!

10)We are really excited about Chip possibly coming to UT in Fall 05! its gonna totally rock, and we're are gonna have so much fun!

11) i Heart Big Bear ( erik ford)

12) I'm going to bed, i love you all, i love you very much, and i miss those of you who i do not see on a regular basis! SLEEP WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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