
Sep 10, 2006 21:41

Just got back from visiting my parents for the weekend. It was good to get away from campus for a bit. Everything's just been a little too nuts. Plus, I was able to catch up with my Dad. He is doing much, much better than he was when I last saw him a few weeks ago. (I'm not sure I've mentioned it before, but he had some major surgery on his knee a few weeks ago and the healing process had been taking longer than expected.)

My digital camera broke. I was thinking of taking some pictures of myself to make a new icon out of, but it won't turn on anymore and now I'm going have to drop another couple hundred bucks on a new one. It makes me mad too. I only got that camera about 6 months ago. Damn technology. Oh, WAIT! I have the extended warranty. I knew there was a good reason I keep reciepts! I'll dig that up tomorrow.

I hope things are better on campus tomorrow. Maybe things calmed down this weekend.
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