(no subject)

Aug 31, 2006 17:37

I've been reading about Disassociative Identity Disorder for one of my classes, and it's really quite facinating. Have any of you heard of Sybil? It was a movie, and a book as well. I read it a long time ago. She had something like 15 different personalities. It's books like that which make me sure I chose the right major. I find it so interesting.

Me? I'm stuck with the one boring personality I've got. Maybe there's a more interesting, cultured, exciting Linda deep down in there, but I'm having trouble finding her. I really need to get out more. Meet new people and push myself to find new interests. That's really not going to happen if I keep sitting and staring at my laptop every day after class. I did hang out with Kate last night. We got some delivery Chinese food and watched 'Project Runway'. I don't know much about it but Kate is really into it.

I guess it's just as well I'm not getting out that much, though. Things are really tense on campus so far this semester. I think I'm going to go to that rally I've been hearing about. I haven't seen one of the fliers yet but someone mentioned they were having one. Maybe I'll bring Kate, too. Well. We'll see.

Who knows, maybe I'll meet some new guys people there. Couldn't hurt.
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