Strangest dream.

Aug 27, 2006 02:35

So, I took an unexpected nap today. I was watching some old Buffy episodes on FX and fell asleep, and I had the strangest dream.

It started out with me walking towards the dining hall, only for some reason I had on a formal gown. Something one might have worn to prom. I felt like I was supposed to meet someone there, but the entire place was deserted. Creepy, right? I went into the dining hall and it turned into a maze. One red curtain after another, and I couldn't find my way out. Then I felt a hand grab me from behind, and it jerked me backwards so hard that I fell, and it startled me awake.

I suppose it doesn't seem that strange now that I type it all out, but I'm still creeped out by it. It felt so disorienting.
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