Stereotypical geeks

Mar 22, 2006 18:15

Recently, gharbad asked me to draw her pictures of each of three types of geek gamer to use as visual aids for an entertaining speech for speechcom. I agreed, being flattered that she would ask me (ha ha, don't tell me if I wasn't your first choice ;-), amused by the concept, and happy to have both a reason and a subject to draw. I think they came out pretty well, and Jess seems happy with them as well. She gave me a brief descriptions of some stuff she'd like each to have and a couple of lines for them to say. I didn't bother doing the text by computer proper, since I was using Alias Sketchbook, which concentrates on the "sketchbook" part, so the text is just hand-printed and a bit crooked and messy; I used rotation to straighten out more consistent slanting. Anyway, that doesn't matter greatly. I put them online so Jess could access them for printing out transparencies, so now I get to share with any of you who are reading, as well. Check it out.They're all supposed to be brothers, from the description Jess gave me, and if I've done as decent a job as I think, you should be able to guess their age relationships reasonably well from the images themselves. She had to give me the most detail for the miniatures player, since I've never played miniatures myself, and I had to ask what words like "beardly" meant. It was fun to do these.

Anyway, hope they go over well for your speech, Jess, and I hope you other folks who read my journal like these as well. Doesn't matter too much if you don't, though, since I'm pleased. :-)

amusing, drawing, geekery, images, successes

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