So, more Spore demonstrations at E3. Nothing horribly unexpected, unless you weren't expecting
Robin Williams. I can't say I was. We got to see more of the creature editor (through videos after the fact, of course, unless you happened to find your way to E3); as far as I can tell, the main new thing we saw were the texturing/colour options. I haven't seen all the 2006 E3 stuff, but it looks like
this is one such video.
So, that's exciting. Definitely looks like it won't be out before Christmas, though I doubt that will greatly hurt its sales in the geek realms. (OMFG I WANT A CREATURE WITH FIVE NOSES, etc.)
In the meantime, it's time I forgot about Spore for awhile. Except when I'm thinking about upgrading my computer; then I have to remember that I'm waiting until Spore comes out. Heh.
I've been playing a lot of WoW. I have a level 29 Tauren Hunter named Corashuma right now. I think I've only been playing her since the beginning of the month; contrast this with Raylna, the dwarven priest I played over the last summer term, who only ever got to level 35 in that time. Corashuma is on Khaz Modan; Raylna is on Daggerspine, although there's an unfortunately good chance that she won't see the light of day again any time soon. Especially since I'm trying to catch up to Joe and his guildies at level 39. And they're moving into the 40s in about a week. X-| Playing catch-up is a loser's game. *sigh*
Not much else to say. I'm surviving school so far. Going to flip into tablet mode and draw now so my typing does not disturb the people trying to pay attention to calculus.