Title: In Your Sweetest Torment - Chapter 12
Rating: Anywhere from PG to R
Disclaimer: Unfortunately I do not know or own any of these lovely men, however the odd story is all from my head.
Summery: Bam gets to know his lovely new neighbor. (Read Background info)
A/N: links to previous chapters are inside.
BACKGROUND INFO: All characters are real, however, there is an unrealistic age gap. Ville is at his current age, while Bam is still in high school.
Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11 Chapter 12
----- The next day, in Bam’s backyard ---- Bam
“Dunn, can’t you fuckin do anything right?” I said with a grin.
Ryan was trying desperately to get the umbrella to stay in the hole in the middle of the patio table. Every time he tried, Raab threw something else at it and knocked it over again.
“How the fuck am I supposed to be able to put this shit up with Himself over there hurling all sorts of crap at me? How is that my fault?” Dunn said, irritated.
“It’s not your fault,” Raab said, then threw a lawn chair towards Dunn, “that you just suck!”
“God dammit - you’re all fuckin assholes,” Dunn said, trying to repress a laugh. He threw down the umbrella and sat down in one of the chairs. “Now it’s hot as hell and we have absoultely no shade. Since you’re all a bunch of idiots.”
“Hey Bam,” Dicamillo said, “What about your friend Ville? Doesn’t he have a pool?”
I thought about Ville. We had had such a strange night last night, I didn’t know if would have been very appropriate for me to be asking if my friends and I could use his pool. But before I could even respond, Dunn, Raab, Dicamillo and Chad were dashing across the lawn towards Ville’s house.
“Guys!” I shouted, running after them. Useless. They were too determined.
I saw Chad ring Ville’s doorbell. Ville opened the door with his long hair hanging down in his face, his gorgeous upper body exposed with no shirt on and a pair of black cut off shorts that when down to the middle of his calves.
“Hi Ville, we’re fucking dying out here. Mind if we take a dip in your pool?” Chad asked eagerly.
“Of course not, go right ahead,” Ville said with a friendly smile. They all walked in and I slowly approached Ville’s porch. He stood in the doorway with one arm holding on to the top of the doorframe, the rest of him leaning against the side of it.
“Ville…” my voice trailed off. I wasn’t sure what to say. Sometimes, when I went to talk to him, I just became paralyzed.
“Don’t worry about it. I’m glad that we talked. I’m happy that things are out in the open between us and that you understand. I don’t know why I was so worried in the first place about anything… I should’ve known that you wouldn’t judge me,” Ville said with a soft smile on his face.
I went up to him and brushed the hair out of his eyes and put my hands on the sides of his face and pulled him close to me, gently kissing him on the lips. I had all I ever needed, right here in this moment.
--- Same time at Ville’s house --- Ville
Slowly, I drew myself away from Bam’s kiss. I didn’t want to. I could have stayed there forever.
“Aww… how cute,” I heard Linde say from behind me.
“Oh shush!” I said to him, giggling.
I took Bam’s hand and lead him into my house. We sat down at the stools by the bar and I poured him a screwdriver. As soon as I was finished, Linde snatched up the vodka and orange juice and began to pour one for himself.
“You know,” Linde said, “I don’t know which one’s cuter… Dunn or Chad.”
I laughed, “Oh God Linde, get your mind off of sexuality for five seconds!”
Linde cocked his head to the side and reached up to play with one of his long blonde dreads, “Um… let me think about it…. Hmm. No,” he said with a smile, then walked out the back door with his drink in hand. He took one sip then set it on the table and took off his shirt, jumping in the pool with the rest of the guys.
Bam and I sat quietly at the bar with our drinks. Conversation between us was still slightly awkward at the moment. So the next thing I did, was try to break the ice.
I stood up behind him and leaned over him to push his drink out of the way. Wrapping my arms around him, I pulled him close to me and kissed his cheek. He leaned his head back, resting it on my chest. I spun the bar stool around so that he was facing me and sat on his lap, straddling his legs.
“Ville…” he whispered softly.
“Stop it… you know you don’t want to stop me. So quit pretending like you’re trying to fight something off. For once Bam, just fucking give in to me,” I said with a smirk.
He smiled and put his hands on my sides, sliding them around my body and up my back, “Alright, I’ll do whatever you say,” he said, happily, but submissively.
“Good,” I said grinning, “You won’t regret it.”
So there you go. Sorry it again, took me so long to getting around to that. Comment please :)