I know berserkers belonged to Odin, but I think saying that put my friend in mind of Norse mythology. ;) I dunno, from the looks he doesn't seem like a Loki, but I think it suits him. He's such a little brat kitty- I went to bed at 3 am cuz I was too tired to do the work I was supposed to be doing, and he decided to jump all over me. He kept waking me up and wanting to wrestle. :P I got a little sleep, and then I napped with him in the afternoon when he was quiet for a while. I just got home from work again, I have work at 9 in the morning, but he's bouncing everywhere so I'm sure it will be a restless night again. *grin*
He's just a baby so I'll have to live with it for now...One thing I could do without is the biting. Little booger bit me on the nose last night! Supposedly the best thing to do is say "no" or "ouch" real loud and immediately go away and ignore them when they start play-biting, and make sure you play with them with toys a lot so they can vent the urge to wrestle that way. So I'm trying to do that, but it's only been one day. *grin*
I'm definitely suffering from kitten infatuation, I'm not going to be able to talk about much else for a while. :)
He's just a baby so I'll have to live with it for now...One thing I could do without is the biting. Little booger bit me on the nose last night! Supposedly the best thing to do is say "no" or "ouch" real loud and immediately go away and ignore them when they start play-biting, and make sure you play with them with toys a lot so they can vent the urge to wrestle that way. So I'm trying to do that, but it's only been one day. *grin*
I'm definitely suffering from kitten infatuation, I'm not going to be able to talk about much else for a while. :)
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