Whatever, bitch.

Apr 30, 2012 11:46

So I just called up the apartment manager. The reason I label her passive-aggressive is because she is sooooo damn nice to your face- I always thought she was a perfectly pleasant woman- and then she's leaving letters under your door saying something completely different. I'm really over being angry now (I was over it Sunday night, when I started apartment hunting and had a good rant at Evey and Kya), I just needed to close the whole thing out by talking to her. Because that's what grownups do, you bitch. Also, even if I am not planning to do anything in response, I like to make people aware that I know they are fucking me over. It's like the non-gestural equivalent of that thing where you point with your forefinger and middle finger at your eyes, then at the other person, so they know you're on to their shit.

The reasons I was given for the expulsion were: the cat food and the litter. Really. She described the food as "all over the floor" (untrue- there was less than a handful scattered when I got home after a week away) and the bathtub as "full of litter" (also untrue- the litter boxes are laid end to end in the tub and there's some litter spilled around them). I cleaned up both these things before I left on Sunday; maintenance came on Monday. Now it's possible that maintenance is exaggerating when they report this to her- but given the character of our previous interactions I think it's her doing the exaggerating. I told her that I felt I was being scapegoated.

I don't know what's in her head, but that seems to be what's happening. There was one mouse. There have been no further mice. The "serious housekeeping issues" she's mentioned (on the phone she cited the provision of my lease that requires I keep it in a clean and liveable condition) are what you'd expect in any home with cats- a little spilled litter and food. If she took that to court and tried to argue a violation of the lease, she would lose. I don't really have any legal grounds to fight (I don't think I can legally prove unlawful retaliation, and absent that either party has the right to terminate the automatic renewal with proper notice) and I don't want to stay here when the manager has it out for me for some reason.

Sorry, I know all this self-justification seems a little silly. I just don't like walking away from a dispute when I know I'm in the right. It feels like letting the other side win.

There are a lot worse ways to end my stay in this building. All told I've been pretty lucky with my living situations. It just makes me wonder, is this the inevitable result of any rental situation- the management starts to act like fucking dicks and you walk away? I'm asking honestly, I've only rented two apartments so I feel like I don't have much of a basis for judgment.

apartment, mouse, passive-aggressive cunts

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