What's on my kindle this week (episode 2!)

Apr 18, 2012 19:08

Here's what's on my kindle this week (besides 1940s hauntings, Dostoyevski on prison camps, and brutal murder):

Hyacinth_sky747's Seven Hours in the Sun - First of all, let me be clear that everything Hyacinth writes is magical. But this is one of my particular faves. Their characterization is lovely, the stories are frequently sweet (but never enough to be saccharine) and their use of language is frankly masterful. This is one of those authors where you copy a phrase to put in your comment because you want to say how awesome it was, but you give up because you come across six other especially awesome phrases before the end of the story. Hyacinth's newest is What to do When Your Flatmate is Homicidal, which is much crackier than anything else they've written, but is still very fun.

Points of Light by Pennypaperbrain - Another BDSM fic- it doesn't quite read as realistically as certain others I've read in the genre, but it's still a very well-constructed (and hot) fic that's concerned primarily with the way John and Sherlock use their relationship to balance each other out with their destructive urges.

Verity's Close Quietly - (Note, this is not verityburns, but a different person entirely.) This is a beautiful example of a genre of fic I simply call "post-TGG." Basically fics which deal with the fallout of The Great Game, which were all immediately Jossed with the beginning of season 2. This story is about the emotional fallout and how John and Sherlock's relationship changes as a result of the encounter with Moriarty. Good stuff.

The Love Song of Dr. John H. Watson by Kate_Lear - John does something romantic (and kind of batshit) for Sherlock for Valentine's Day. Also includes some pretty involved smut, which Kate is really good at, but honestly I love the first half of the story best.

what's on my kindle this week, fic recs, sherlock holmes

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