FYI- more vacation

Nov 10, 2011 12:56

Just so you know: I'm going on vacation again, this time to Cozumel. :D With my mom, for my 30th birthday, hurray! So starting tomorrow afternoon and ending the following saturday, I will be pretty much unreachable by conventional means. Mom tells me the hotel in Mexico has free wireless and asked if I was bringing my computer, to which my response was: DON'T TEMPT ME. Really, it's all well and good to spend 3 hours a day compulsively reading every new piece of fanfiction that comes out when you're having a lazy weekend at home, but I don't want to do that when I'm at a resort. If I have my computer with me I won't be able to stop myself.

Plus it's just a hassle traveling with my laptop, especially when I'd be constantly terrified of having it stolen. I have around 100k words of unpublished fanfic on there; if someone stole it and I lost all my work I'd be devastated. So, no. Computer stays home.

I will think of you all when I'm lying on the beach drunk at 11:30 in the morning. <3

cozumel, life update, vacation

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