I know this is old, old news, but you guys have seen the glorious reviews for
the Spider-man musical, right?
I love this one. Here's a bit of a roundup. Here's a fairly considered review by an LJ person I don't know. I got the link from
Here's the companion review. I bring this up because It happened again. And by It, I mean that once in a while, every week or so perhaps, I will be doing something completely normal and unrelated to Spider-man, like putting a pitcher of Crystal Light in the fridge, or making a photocopy of a handgun statistics form, or using the toilet, and my brain will go Turn Off the Dark and I just start laughing. Like, out loud, snorting chuckles. It worries me, frankly, because it looks kind of insane. One day it's going to happen when someone is there (hopefully not while I'm peeing, that would be weird) and they will go, "What was THAT?" and I will not know what to say, because they will totally not understand the answer, "Oh my god, I just thought about the Spider-man musical."
I just want people to understand, dammit.